Oracle OCP 1Z0 053 Q685

685. In your test database:
-You are using Recovery Manager (RMAN) to perform incremental backups of your test database
-The test database is running in NOARCHIVELOG mode
-One of the data files is corrupted
-All online redo log files are lost because of a media failure
Which option must you consider in this scenario?
A.Configuring the database in ARCHVIELOG mode and then using incremental backup to recover the
B.Using incremental backup to recover the damaged data file and then manually creating the online redo
log files
C.Creating a new test database because the database is not recoverable due to the fact that the database
is configured in NOARCHIVELOG mode
D.Using incremental backups to recover the database by using the RECOVER DATABASE NOREDO
command and then using the RESETLOGS option to open the database.


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