How to free space from an ASM diskgroup? (Doc ID 1553744.1)
How to free space from an ASM diskgroup? (Doc ID 1553744.1)
Applies to:Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 11.1 to 12.1]Information in this document applies to any platform. SymptomsYou need to take free space from an ASM diskgroup and move it to another host or another diskgroup on the same host. All of the disks are currently used. Cause
You have allocated LUNs for a DISKGROUP but have not used all the space in that diskgroup and would like to move some of the space to another host or another diskgroup on the same server. Example:
Disk Group Sector Block Allocation
Name Size Size Unit Size State Type Total Size (MB) Used Size (MB) Pct. Used -------------------- ------- ------- ------------ ----------- ------ --------------- -------------- --------- DATADG_02 512 4,096 1,048,576 MOUNTED EXTERN 3,112,780 1,446,038 46.45 FRADG_02 512 4,096 1,048,576 MOUNTED EXTERN 344,001 18,006 5.23 --------------- -------------- Grand Total: 3,456,781 1,464,044
------------------ ---------------------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- DATADG_02_0000 /dev/rdsk/emcpower89g 1 155639 155639 83343 DATADG_02_0001 /dev/rdsk/emcpower90g 1 155639 155639 83329 DATADG_02_0002 /dev/rdsk/emcpower91g 1 155639 155639 83323 DATADG_02_0003 /dev/rdsk/emcpower92g 1 155639 155639 83331 DATADG_02_0004 /dev/rdsk/emcpower93g 1 155639 155639 83340 DATADG_02_0005 /dev/rdsk/emcpower94g 1 155639 155639 83343 DATADG_02_0006 /dev/rdsk/emcpower95g 1 155639 155639 83334 DATADG_02_0007 /dev/rdsk/emcpower96g 1 155639 155639 83341 DATADG_02_0008 /dev/rdsk/emcpower97g 1 155639 155639 83338 DATADG_02_0009 /dev/rdsk/emcpower98g 1 155639 155639 83341 DATADG_02_0010 /dev/rdsk/emcpower87g 1 155639 155639 83336 NAME PATH GROUP_NUMBER OS_MB TOTAL_MB FREE_MB ------------------ ---------------------- ------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- DATADG_02_0011 /dev/rdsk/emcpower79g 1 155639 155639 83344 DATADG_02_0012 /dev/rdsk/emcpower78g 1 155639 155639 83342 DATADG_02_0013 /dev/rdsk/emcpower77g 1 155639 155639 83320 DATADG_02_0014 /dev/rdsk/emcpower76g 1 155639 155639 83326 DATADG_02_0015 /dev/rdsk/emcpower75g 1 155639 155639 83352 DATADG_02_0016 /dev/rdsk/emcpower74g 1 155639 155639 83345 DATADG_02_0017 /dev/rdsk/emcpower73g 1 155639 155639 83333 DATADG_02_0018 /dev/rdsk/emcpower72g 1 155639 155639 83340 DATADG_02_0019 /dev/rdsk/emcpower88g 1 155639 155639 83341
ASM load balances file activity by uniformly distributing file extents across all disks in a diskgroup.
Dropping an oracle ASM disk and releasing underlying LUNs after rebalance went through is the correct approach to downsize free space in a diskgroup.
Below are detailed steps how to drop an oracle ASM disk. This example drops DATA3 from diskgroup dgroup1.
select sofar "AUs moved So Far", est_work "Aprox AU's to be moved"
from v$asm_operation where group_number = *** disk group number ***;
IMPORTANT: DO NOT inadvertently remove the disk unit physically from the storage array BEFORE it is completely dropped from the diskgroup.
When a disk is dropped, it is not immediately expelled from the diskgroup. Verify that the HEADER_STATUS from the V$ASM_DISK view shows FORMER status, not DROPPING. Additionally, check to make sure that the rebalance operation from the DROP DISK is completed. Disks that belong to a disk group, that is, disks that have a disk group name in the disk header, show a header status of MEMBER. Disks that were discovered, but that have not yet been assigned to a disk group, have a status of either CANDIDATE or PROVISIONED. Disks that previously belonged to a disk group and were dropped cleanly from the disk group have a status of FORMER. For IGNORED disks, it means there may be some duplicate disk paths pointing to the same physical disk. To fix this, we need to remove the duplicate disk paths or revoke the access to the duplicate disk paths. ASM should only see one disk path for each physical device. ReferencesNOTE:270066.1 - Manage ASM instance-creating diskgroup,adding/dropping/resizing disks.NOTE:265633.1 - ASM Technical Best Practices For 10g and 11gR1 Release NOTE:402526.1 - Asm Devices Are Still Held Open After Dismount or Drop NOTE:1306574.1 - ASM Is Not Releasing File Descriptors After Drop or Dismount Diskgroup. |
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