Overview of Parameter Reference Notes (Doc ID 68462.1)
Overview of Parameter Reference Notes (Doc ID 68462.1)
What is a "Parameter Reference Note" ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is a collection of notes in this repository which document a number of the INIT.ORA parameters in various Oracle releases. These reference notes will typically appear if you search on a parameter name. The notes may each include the following information: - For documented parameters there are links to the relevant page in the Reference guide for each main server release. - There is a summary table of recent server versions showing if the parameter exists in that release, if it is hidden (begins with an underscore) or not, whether is is deprecated or not etc.. - A list of bugs which may affect, or be affected by, the parameter value. eg: Some bug issues may once occur if the parameter is set to a specific value. Some bugs may be avoidable by using certain values of the parameter. - Some of the notes have been extended by Oracle Support to include tips / known issues / limitations etc.. relevant to the parameter. A few of the notes may refer to 'hidden' parameters. Such parameters should NEVER be set by customers without specific instructions from Oracle Support. It is advised that if such a parameter is ever set then it should be accompanied by a comment describing exactly why it is present and preferably including an SR or bug reference.
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