


# 該指令碼可以在linux下測試通過

sqlplus '/as sysdba' <Remark SQL *Plus variables.
Set feedback off
set heading off
set trimspool off
set verify off
Set pagesize 0 linesize 200
Remark set the directory and the script file name.
Define dir=/backup/cold_wholebackup
Define temp=/home/oracle/niyl/temp.sql
Define fil=/home/oracle/niyl/cold_wholebackup.sql


Remark spool the backup command to the file defind above.
Spool &temp
Select 'host cp '||name||' &dir' from v$datafile order by 1 ;
Select 'host cp '||member||' &dir' from v$logfile order by 1;
Select 'host cp '||name||' &dir' from v$controlfile order by 1;
Select 'host cp '||name||' &dir' from v$tempfile order by 1;
Spool off
Remark deal with the temp sql. remove select statement from the sql.
host grep ^host &temp > &fil
Remark shutdown database cleanly.
Shutdown immediate ;
Remark run the copy command from the backup script.
Remark bakcup ended and startup the database.

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
