與小卡特一起學python 第8章 動手試一試原始碼
#與小卡特一起學python 8章動手試一試原始碼
#8.1 編寫一個程式,顯示乘法表,開始時候詢問使用者顯示哪個數的乘法表
##import easygui
##looper = easygui.integerbox("Which multiplication table would you like?")
looper = int(input("Which multiplication table would you like?\n"))
print("Here's your table:")
for i in range(1,11):
print(looper ,"x",i,"=",looper * i)
#8.2 用例子1中題目試著用while迴圈完成
looper =int(input("Which multiplication table would you like?\n"))
print("Here's your table:")
while i<11:
print (looper,"x",i,"=",i*looper)
#8.3 向乘法數中加點互動,問希望乘到最大是幾?
looper =int(input("Which multiplication table would you like?\n"))
lager =int(input("How high do you want to go?\n"))
print("Here's your table:")
##while i <=lager:
## print(looper,"x",i,looper*i)
## i=i+1
for i in range(1,lager+1): #range()要加1
#8.1 編寫一個程式,顯示乘法表,開始時候詢問使用者顯示哪個數的乘法表
##import easygui
##looper = easygui.integerbox("Which multiplication table would you like?")
looper = int(input("Which multiplication table would you like?\n"))
print("Here's your table:")
for i in range(1,11):
print(looper ,"x",i,"=",looper * i)
#8.2 用例子1中題目試著用while迴圈完成
looper =int(input("Which multiplication table would you like?\n"))
print("Here's your table:")
while i<11:
print (looper,"x",i,"=",i*looper)
#8.3 向乘法數中加點互動,問希望乘到最大是幾?
looper =int(input("Which multiplication table would you like?\n"))
lager =int(input("How high do you want to go?\n"))
print("Here's your table:")
##while i <=lager:
## print(looper,"x",i,looper*i)
## i=i+1
for i in range(1,lager+1): #range()要加1
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