Server Has 100% Of Cpu Because Of Dbresp.pl [ID 764140.1]
修改時間 16-AUG-2010 型別 PROBLEM 狀態 MODERATED
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Platforms: 1-914CU;
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Server has 100% of CPU because of dbresp.pl . There are more than 50 process from this script
emagent.trc shows:
2009-01-21 10:19:50 Thread-4099931040 WARN engine: Missing Properties : [limitSwitch]
2009-01-21 10:19:50 Thread-4099931040 ERROR engine: [oracle_database,orcl, alertLog] : nmeegd_GetMetricData failed : Missing Properties : [limitSwitch]
2009-01-22 06:54:33 Thread-4105165728 ERROR fetchlets.oslinetok: Metric execution timed out in 600 seconds
2009-01-22 06:54:33 Thread-4105165728 ERROR command: failed to kill process 4793 running perl: (errno=3: No such process)
2009-01-22 06:54:33 Thread-4105165728 ERROR engine: [oracle_database,orlc, Response] : nmeegd_GetMetricData failed : Metric execution timed out in 600 seconds
The Response metric is making a timed out then the Agent starts other process to take the Response metric. The process to kill the PID taking the Response metric is failing increasing the process running dbresp.pl
Before the Response metric starts to do the timed out there is other error:
2009-01-21 10:19:50 Thread-4099931040 WARN engine: Missing Properties : [limitSwitch]
2009-01-21 10:19:50 Thread-4099931040 ERROR engine: [oracle_database,orcl,alertLog] :
nmeegd_GetMetricData failed : Missing Properties : [limitSwitch]
To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:
1. Stop DBConsole
emctl stop dbconsole
2. Kill any running process.
ps -ef | grep /opt/app/oracle/
Kill any returned process.
3. Follow fix
Note.361612.1 Ext/Mod Problem Performance Agent High CPU Consumption Gen
4. Start DB Console
emctl start dbconsole
NOTE:361612.1 - Problem: Performance: Agent High CPU Consumption
Enterprise Management > Enterprise Manager Consoles, Packs, and Plugins > Enterprise Manager Grid Control > Enterprise Manager Grid Control
165728 ERROR; 931040 ERROR
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