select * from v$sgastat where name like '%ASH%';
select x.ksppinm name, y.ksppstvl value, x.ksppdesc describ
from x$ksppi x, x$ksppcv y
where x.inst_id = userenv('Instance')
and y.inst_id = userenv('Instance')
and x.indx = y.indx
and x.ksppinm like '%&par%';
select * from v$active_session_history;
SELECT dbid,
MIN (snap_id) begin_snap_id,
MAX (snap_id) end_snap_id
FROM dba_hist_snapshot
WHERE end_interval_time >= SYSDATE - 7
GROUP BY dbid, instance_number;
SELECT output FROM table (DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY.awr_report_text (959453279, 1, 2, 10, 0));
SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/ashrpt.sql
Current Instance
DB Id DB Name Inst Num Instance
----------- ------------ -------- ------------
959453279 TEST10G 1 test10g
Specify the Report Type
Enter 'html' for an HTML report, or 'text' for plain text
Defaults to 'html'
輸入 report_type 的值:
Type Specified: html
Instances in this Workload Repository schema
DB Id Inst Num DB Name Instance Host
------------ -------- ------------ ------------ ------------
* 959453279 1 TEST10G test10g ICBCOA-6170D
Defaults to current database
Using database id: 959453279
Defaults to current instance
Using instance number: 1
ASH Samples in this Workload Repository schema
Oldest ASH sample available: 29-1月 -10 23:36:47 [ 2088 mins in the past]
Latest ASH sample available: 31-1月 -10 10:24:43 [ 0 mins in the past]
Specify the timeframe. to generate the ASH report
Enter begin time for report:
-- Valid input formats:
-- To specify absolute begin time:
-- [MM/DD[/YY]] HH24:MI[:SS]
-- Examples: 02/23/03 14:30:15
-- 02/23 14:30:15
-- 14:30:15
-- 14:30
-- To specify relative begin time: (start with '-' sign)
-- -[HH24:]MI
-- Examples: -1:15 (SYSDATE - 1 Hr 15 Mins)
-- -25 (SYSDATE - 25 Mins)
Defaults to -15 mins
輸入 begin_time 的值: -5
Report begin time specified: -5
Enter duration in minutes starting from begin time:
Defaults to SYSDATE - begin_time
Press Enter to analyze till current time
輸入 duration 的值:
Report duration specified:
Using 31-1月 -10 10:19:47 as report begin time
Using 31-1月 -10 10:24:49 as report end time
Specify Slot Width (using ashrpti.sql) for 'Activity Over Time' section
-- Explanation:
-- In the 'Activity Over Time' section of the ASH report,
-- the analysis period is divided into smaller slots
-- and top wait events are reported in each of those slots.
-- Default:
-- The analysis period will be automatically split upto 10 slots
-- complying to a minimum slot width of
-- 1 minute, if the source is V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY or
-- 5 minutes, if the source is DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY.
Specify Slot Width in seconds to use in the 'Activity Over Time' section:
Defaults to a value as explained above:
Slot Width specified:
Specify Report Targets (using ashrpti.sql) to generate the ASH report
-- Explanation:
-- ASH Report can accept "Report Targets",
-- like a particular SQL statement, or a particular SESSION,
-- to generate the report on. If one or more report targets are
-- specified, then the data used to generate the report will only be
-- the ASH samples that pertain to ALL the specified report targets.
-- Default:
-- If none of the report targets are specified,
-- then the target defaults to all activity in the database instance.
Specify SESSION_ID (eg: from V$SESSION.SID) report target:
Defaults to NULL:
SESSION report target specified:
Specify SQL_ID (eg: from V$SQL.SQL_ID) report target:
Defaults to NULL: (% and _ wildcards allowed)
SQL report target specified:
Specify WATI_CLASS name (eg: from V$EVENT_NAME.WAIT_CLASS) report target:
[Enter 'CPU' to investigate CPU usage]
Defaults to NULL: (% and _ wildcards allowed)
WAIT_CLASS report target specified:
Specify SERVICE_HASH (eg: from V$ACTIVE_SERVICES.NAME_HASH) report target:
Defaults to NULL:
SERVICE report target specified:
Specify MODULE name (eg: from V$SESSION.MODULE) report target:
Defaults to NULL: (% and _ wildcards allowed)
MODULE report target specified:
Specify ACTION name (eg: from V$SESSION.ACTION) report target:
Defaults to NULL: (% and _ wildcards allowed)
ACTION report target specified:
Specify CLIENT_ID (eg: from V$SESSION.CLIENT_IDENTIFIER) report target:
Defaults to NULL: (% and _ wildcards allowed)
CLIENT_ID report target specified:
Specify the Report Name
The default report file name is ashrpt_1_0131_1024.html. To use this name,
輸入 report_name 的值: E:\oracle\a.html
Using the report name E:\oracle\a.html
Summary of All User Input
Format : HTML
DB Id : 959453279
Inst num : 1
Begin time : 31-1月 -10 10:19:47
End time : 31-1月 -10 10:24:49
Slot width : Default
Report targets : 0
Report name : E:\oracle\a.html
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/16179598/viewspace-626475/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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