[江楓]In Memory Undo與logical standby database
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [2730], [331], [1], [13], [293130], [293130], [], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [krvxbpx20], [1], [293141], [91], [96], [], [], []
Metalink上一查(Doc ID:761661.1),麻煩來了:
The ORA-00600: [KRVXBPX20] indicates that logical standby builder detects IMU (In Memory Undo) in the redo streams. Logical standby does not support IMU and enabling supplemental logging disables the IMU.
In customer’s case, supplemental logging is enabled in the original primary database, but it is not enabled in the original physical standby database. Prior to 11.2 (which has not been released yet at the time of writing), supplemental logging DDLs are not propagated to the physical standby database. Thus they had a situation where the primary has supplemental logging set, but the physical standby did not.
暈死,邏輯備庫不支援IMU(In Memory Undo,10g新特性),所以要使用邏輯備庫,必須在主庫禁用IMU,否則將導致邏輯備庫損壞,並只能重建。那為什麼原來主庫升級到10g之後,邏輯備庫是正常的,而執行switchover切換到物理備庫,才碰到問題呢?
我們的升級,是在主庫執行升級指令碼,然後備庫使用新版本的oracle軟體直接應用主庫傳過來的日誌的方式來完成整個系統的升級的。因為邏輯備庫是在主庫升級到10g後配置的,在執行exec dbms_logstdby.build生產資料字典資訊的時候自動配置了supplement logging,而開啟supplement logging將自動禁用IMU,所以未切換前邏輯備庫是正常的。而問題在於,主庫設定supplement logging的語句,並不會在物理備庫上自動應用,這樣實際上物理備庫還是原來9i預設的未開啟supplement logging的狀態,這樣一切換過來,問題就發生了。
2.在主庫和物理備庫檢查supplement logging的狀態
select supplemental_log_data_min as supp_log, supplemental_log_data_pk as supp_pk, supplemental_log_data_ui as supp_ui from v$database; SUPP_LOG SUPP_PK SUPP_UI ---------- ---------- ---------- NO NO NO
只要上述結果中,任意一列值為NO,則需要執行(物理備庫可以mount狀態或者open readonly狀態執行):
alter database add supplemental log data (primary key, unique index) columns;
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/1384/viewspace-611329/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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