ORA-01207: 檔案比控制檔案更新 - 舊的控制檔案
ORA-1122 ORA-1110 ORA-1207
ORA-1122 :database file %s failed verification check
ORA-1110 : datafile :
ORA-1207: ORA 1207 file is more recent than control file
The information in this file is inconsistent with information from the control file.
The datafile header CHECKPOINT count is beyond the controlfile CHECKPOINT count.
1.Mount the database
SQL>Startup mount
2. trace the control file
SQL> alter database backup controlfile to trace as 'f:\aa';
3. Create a control file creation script. from the tracefile generated in user_dump_dest.
Use the Noresetlogs option
4.shutdown the database and start it NOMOUNT mode
SQL>shutdown abort
SQL>startup NoMount
5.Create the control file
6.Recover database
SQL>recover database ;
7.Open the database
SQL>Alter database open ;
ORA-1122 ORA-1110 ORA-1207
ORA-1122 :database file %s failed verification check
ORA-1110 : datafile :
ORA-1207: ORA 1207 file is more recent than control file
The information in this file is inconsistent with information from the control file.
The datafile header CHECKPOINT count is beyond the controlfile CHECKPOINT count.
1.Mount the database
SQL>Startup mount
2. trace the control file
SQL> alter database backup controlfile to trace as 'f:\aa';
3. Create a control file creation script. from the tracefile generated in user_dump_dest.
Use the Noresetlogs option
4.shutdown the database and start it NOMOUNT mode
SQL>shutdown abort
SQL>startup NoMount
5.Create the control file
6.Recover database
SQL>recover database ;
7.Open the database
SQL>Alter database open ;
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/10742223/viewspace-343274/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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