



tt 184472 143648 11 Sep 25 - 17821:13 /tt/TimesTen/tt70/bin/timestensubd -verbose -userlog tterrors.log -supportlog ttmesg.log -id 1 -facility user -accctl
tt 143648 1 0 Sep 25 - 78:27 /tt/TimesTen/tt70/bin/timestend -initfd 13
tt 254320 143648 0 Sep 25 - 49:49 /tt/TimesTen/tt70/bin/timestensubd -verbose -userlog tterrors.log -supportlog ttmesg.log -id 0 -facility user -accctl
 root 135920 1 0 Sep 10 - 71:14 /usr/sbin/getty /dev/console
 root 279094 90392 0 16:39:18 pts/5 0:00 grep tt
tt 291472 143648 0 Sep 25 - 10:02 /tt/TimesTen/tt70/bin/timestensubd -verbose -userlog tterrors.log -supportlog ttmesg.log -id 3 -facility user -accctl
tt 213936 143648 67 Sep 25 - 87397:28 /tt/TimesTen/tt70/bin/timestenrepd -verbose -userlog tterrors.log -supportlog ttmesg.log -id 5 -datastore /tt/DS/ocs -flags 0x840 -logfilesize 0x200 -logbuffsize 0x7d000 -permsize 0x1800 -tempsize 0x400 -isoLevel 0x0 -passthrough 0 -logflushmethod 0 -connections 128 -ckptfrequency 600 -ckptlogvolume 0 -recoverythreads 0 -ckptrate -1 -facility user -accctl
tt 373716 143648 0 Sep 25 - 954:35 /tt/TimesTen/tt70/bin/timestensubd -verbose -userlog tterrors.log -supportlog ttmesg.log -id 2 -facility user -accctl





When you kill the process the operating system releases resources used by the process, which includes closing sockets.

In the case of client-server connections, the intermediate ttcserver process will notice that the socket has been closed and will do a clean rollback/disconnect of the connection to the datastore, and then exit.

In the case of direct-connections, the main daemon notices the process has gone and signals the sub daemon to check the data store and perform. any necesssary cleanup.

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/11088128/viewspace-686909/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
