1 /** 2 * format a Date object 3 * 將 Date 轉化為指定格式的String 4 * @param {Date} date 源日期物件 5 * @param {string} pattern 匹配模式 6 * @returns {string} 格式化結果 7 */ 8 fmtDate(date: Date, pattern: string) { 9 return pattern 10 .replace(/yyyy/, date.getFullYear().toString()) 11 .replace(/MM/, this.fillZero(date.getMonth() + 1, `l`, 2)) 12 .replace(/dd/, this.fillZero(date.getDate(), `l`, 2)) 13 .replace(/hh/, this.fillZero(date.getHours(), `l`, 2)) 14 .replace(/mm/, this.fillZero(date.getMinutes(), `l`, 2)) 15 .replace(/ss/, this.fillZero(date.getSeconds(), `l`, 2)) 16 .replace(/S/, date.getMilliseconds().toString()); 17 }
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1 /** 2 * format a Date object 3 * 將 Date 轉化為指定格式的String 4 * @param {Date} date 源日期物件 5 * @param {string} pattern 匹配模式 6 * @returns {string} 格式化結果 7 */ 8 Aqua.prototype.fmtDate = function (date, pattern) { 9 return pattern 10 .replace(/yyyy/, date.getFullYear().toString()) 11 .replace(/MM/, this.fillZero(date.getMonth() + 1, `l`, 2)) 12 .replace(/dd/, this.fillZero(date.getDate(), `l`, 2)) 13 .replace(/hh/, this.fillZero(date.getHours(), `l`, 2)) 14 .replace(/mm/, this.fillZero(date.getMinutes(), `l`, 2)) 15 .replace(/ss/, this.fillZero(date.getSeconds(), `l`, 2)) 16 .replace(/S/, date.getMilliseconds().toString()); 17 };
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補零函式 Typescript
/** * fill 0 to a number * 數字補零 * @param {number} src 源數字 * @param {string} direction 方向 l r * @param {number} digit 補零後的總位數 * @returns {string} 結果 */ fillZero(src: number, direction: string, digit: number) { let count: number = digit - src.toString().length; let os = new Array(count + 1).join(`0`); if (direction !== `r`) { return os + src; } return src + os; }
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/** * fill 0 to a number * 數字補零 * @param {number} src 源數字 * @param {string} direction 方向 l r * @param {number} digit 補零後的總位數 * @returns {string} 結果 */ Aqua.prototype.fillZero = function (src, direction, digit) { var count = digit - src.toString().length; var os = new Array(count + 1).join(`0`); if (direction !== `r`) { return os + src; } return src + os; };
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