Jerry的通過CDS view + Smart Template 開發Fiori應用的blog合集

Jerry的通過CDS view + Smart Template 開發Fiori應用的blog合集

S4/HANA裡有一個新的UI框架叫做Smart template, 配合ABAP後臺的CDS view技術,能夠讓developer以Metadata driven的方式來開發Fiori應用, 這種開發方式幾乎不需要或者只需要很少量的JavaScript開發。

  1. Step by Step to create CDS view through SmartTemplate + WebIDE
  2. Currency example - how Smart field works
  3. Smart field with value help
  4. How to build a drop down list using Smart template + CDS view
  5. Smart Field with Smart Link
  6. How SmartTable works
  7. My understanding about how object page in Smart Template is rendered
  8. Enable CRM Service Order application with create functionality
  9. How to build drop down list based on fixed value defined in a domain
  10. How to inject your own XML view into application generated by Smart Template
  11. An example of how to find back button implementation on Smart Template generated application
  12. Step by step to visualize your CDS view via Analysis Path Framework (APF)
  13. Access the OData service exposed by your CDS view via Smart Business Tile in S4HANA system


Jerry的通過CDS view + Smart Template 開發Fiori應用的blog合集

Jerry的通過CDS view + Smart Template 開發Fiori應用的blog合集

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