Salesforce平臺支援多租戶Multi tenant的核心設計思路
Multitenancy is the fundamental technology that clouds use to share IT resources cost-efficiently and securely.
- how to keep tenant-specific data secure in a shared database so that one tenant can’t see another tenant’s data?
- 當一個租戶對其擁有的schema物件或者應用程式設計介面進行調整時,不應影響到其他租戶的功能和整個系統的可用性。
How can one tenant customize various schema objects and an application’s user interface in real time without affecting the functionality or availability of the system for all other tenants?
- How can the system’s code base be patched or upgraded without breaking tenant-specific schemas?
- And how will the system’s response time scale as tens of thousands of tenants use the service?
隨著系統租戶數量的增加,整個系統的響應時間不應該急劇下降。’s core technology uses a runtime engine that materializes all application data from metadata—data about the data itself. In’s well-defined metadata-driven architecture, there is a clear separation of the compiled runtime database engine (kernel), tenant data, and the metadata that describes each application. These distinct boundaries make it possible to independently update the system kernel and tenant-specific applications and schemas, with virtually no risk of one affecting the others.
Salesforce應對這些挑戰的設計是,採取了一種執行時引擎的思路,所有的應用資料都通過後設資料生成,即所謂後設資料驅動的架構(metadata driven architecture)。這樣一來,模型的後設資料作為輸入,交給執行時引擎加工,生成執行時使用的模型和資料,三者各司其職,有嚴格的區分,實現了一種高度動態的核心。
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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- 吊打面試官!全網最全多租戶系統設計方案面試
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- 多租戶解析與Demo
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- 3.3.1 多租戶環境的任務
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- 圖解:什麼是多租戶?圖解
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- 1.2.3. 多租戶管理帶來的好處
- 3.2 多租戶環境的先決條件
- 3 配置和管理多租戶環境的概述
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