This type of conversion can only be made as of Release 3.1I(3.1I及以上版本可用). Proceed as follows:
1. For all releases lower than Release 4.5B, implement the corrections and the modification in the report RM07CHDX as described in the correction instructions.
2. Create the report ZCHTCUCH, which is specified in the attachment.
3. Run this report in the clients for which you want to reset batch level to plant level.
4. Call transaction OMCT.
5. Check whether the batch level for "Batch unique at plant level" is set.
6. Implement Notes 821891, 944278, 950540 and 1091613 if you have not already done so (or you have not imported the corresponding Support Package).
7. Execute the function "Batch Level -> Conversion".
8. Define a plant for a plant view that may be missing.
9. Always execute the report in the test mode first. Analyze the error log.
10. If no errors occur, you can execute the report in production mode.
11. If you are working with batch long texts, first execute the report ZM07CHDX_TEXT in test mode.
Link URL: http://blog.csdn.net/baiboyd/article/details/6085013
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