WM Define Storage Type Indicators定義儲存型別識別符號(八)
Define Storage Type Indicators定義儲存型別識別符號
With this indicator you can control whether certain materials are placed into or removed from stock in certain storage types with a higher priority. This leads to a classification of your materials and allows you to use the stock placement or stock removal strategies in an optimum way.
Default settings
Default settings
In the SAP standard system, examples are preset for warehouse numbers 001 and 002.
1. Classify your materials according to certain criteria (for example, small parts, materials for block storage).按特定的標準分類你的物料(例如,小件,大塊儲存的物料)
2. Create your storage type indicators with the respective descriptions.
Further information
2. Create your storage type indicators with the respective descriptions.
Further information
You will find more information on this subject area in chapter "Strategies - Storage type search"
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/29829936/viewspace-1595642/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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