Xamarin iOS教程之顯示和編輯文字
Xamarin iOS教程之顯示和編輯文字
Xamarin iOS顯示和編輯文字
Xamarin iOS標籤檢視
(1)建立一個Single View Application型別的工程,命名為2-20。
圖2.26 主檢視的效果
表2-6 設定主檢視
- using System;
- using System.Drawing;
- using MonoTouch.Foundation;
- using MonoTouch.UIKit;
- namespace Application
- {
- public partial class __20ViewController : UIViewController
- {
- …… //這裡省略了檢視控制器的構造方法和析構方法
- #region View lifecycle
- public override void ViewDidLoad ()
- {
- base.ViewDidLoad ();
- // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
- UILabel label1 = new UILabel ();
- label1.Frame = new RectangleF (2, 410, 155, 28);
- label1.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center; //設定標籤文字內容的對其方式
- label1.Text = "碧玉妝成一樹高,"; //設定標籤的文字內容
- this.View.AddSubview (label1);
- ……
- UILabel label4 = new UILabel ();
- label4.Frame = new RectangleF (2, 500, 155, 28);
- label4.TextAlignment = UITextAlignment.Center;
- label4.Text = "二月春風似剪刀.";
- this.View.AddSubview (label4);
- }
- …… //這裡省略了檢視載入和解除安裝前後的一些方法
- #endregion
- }
- }
圖2.27 執行效果
(1)建立一個Single View Application型別的工程,命名為2-23。
(3)開啟MainStoryboard.storyboard檔案,從工具欄中拖動Image View影像檢視到主檢視中,將此檢視的Image屬性設定為1.jpg。
- using System;
- using System.Drawing;
- using MonoTouch.Foundation;
- using MonoTouch.UIKit;
- namespace Application
- {
- public partial class __23ViewController : UIViewController
- {
- …… //這裡省略了檢視控制器的構造方法和析構方法
- #region View lifecycle
- public override void ViewDidLoad ()
- {
- base.ViewDidLoad ();
- // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
- UILabel label = new UILabel ();
- label.Frame = new RectangleF (20, 100, 280, 64);
- label.Text = " 如何讓你遇見我,在我最美麗的時刻。為這,我已在佛前求了五百年,求他讓我們結一段塵緣。";
- label.Lines = 3; //設定顯示文字的行數
- this.View.AddSubview (label);
- }
- …… //這裡省略了檢視載入和解除安裝前後的一些方法
- #endregion
- }
- }
圖2.28 執行效果
表2-7 內容顯示的格式
- using System;
- using System.Drawing;
- using MonoTouch.Foundation;
- using MonoTouch.UIKit;
- namespace Application
- {
- public partial class __33ViewController : UIViewController
- {
- …… //這裡省略了檢視控制器的構造方法和析構方法
- #region View lifecycle
- public override void ViewDidLoad ()
- {
- base.ViewDidLoad ();
- // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
- UILabel label = new UILabel ();
- label.Frame = new RectangleF (20, 100, 280, 64);
- label.Text = " 如何讓你遇見我,在我最美麗的時刻。為這,我已在佛前求了五百年,求他讓我們結一段塵緣。";
- label.LineBreakMode = UILineBreakMode.MiddleTruncation; //設定內容顯示的格式
- this.View.AddSubview (label);
- }
- …… //這裡省略了檢視載入和解除安裝前後的一些方法
- #endregion
- }
- }
圖2.29 執行效果
Xamarin iOS文字框檢視
(1)建立一個Single View Application型別的工程,命名為2-5
圖2.30 主檢視
表2-8 設定主檢視
- using System;
- using System.Drawing;
- using MonoTouch.Foundation;
- using MonoTouch.UIKit;
- namespace Application
- {
- public partial class __5ViewController : UIViewController
- {
- UITextField tf1;
- UITextField tf2;
- …… //這裡省略了檢視控制器的構造方法和析構方法
- #region View lifecycle
- public override void ViewDidLoad ()
- {
- base.ViewDidLoad ();
- // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
- //為主檢視新增文字框物件tf1
- tf1 = new UITextField ();
- tf1.BorderStyle = UITextBorderStyle.RoundedRect; //設定文字框的邊框
- tf1.Frame = new RectangleF (54, 150, 211, 30);
- tf1.Placeholder="賬號"; //設定文字框的佔位符
- this.View.AddSubview (tf1);
- //為主檢視新增文字框物件tf2
- tf2 = new UITextField ();
- tf2.BorderStyle = UITextBorderStyle.RoundedRect;
- tf2.Frame = new RectangleF (54, 220, 211, 30);
- tf2.Placeholder="密碼";
- tf2.SecureTextEntry = true; //設定文字框的文字是否隱藏
- this.View.AddSubview (tf2);
- button.TouchUpInside += this.ButtonChange_TouchUpInside;
- label.Hidden = true;
- }
- //觸控“登入”按鈕後,執行的動作
- private void ButtonChange_TouchUpInside (object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- //判斷文字框物件tf1和tf2是否為空
- if (tf1.Text.Length != 0 && tf2.Text.Length != 0) {
- this.View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Orange;
- label.Hidden = true;
- } else {
- label.Hidden = false;
- }
- }
- …… //這裡省略了檢視載入和解除安裝前後的一些方法
- #endregion
- }
- }
圖2.31 執行效果
表2-9 邊框風格
Xamarin iOS文字框檢視使用技巧——限制文字框的輸入長度
(1)建立一個Single View Application型別的工程,命名為2-34。
- using System;
- using System.Drawing;
- using MonoTouch.Foundation;
- using MonoTouch.UIKit;
- namespace Application
- {
- public partial class __34ViewController : UIViewController
- {
- …… //這裡省略了檢視控制器的構造方法和析構方法
- #region View lifecycle
- public override void ViewDidLoad ()
- {
- base.ViewDidLoad ();
- // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
- tf.ShouldChangeCharacters = (textField, range, replacementString) => {
- if (range.Location < 10) {
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- };
- }
- …… //這裡省略了檢視載入和解除安裝前後的一些方法
- #endregion
- }
- }
圖2.32 執行效果
Xamarin iOS文字檢視
- using System;
- using System.Drawing;
- using MonoTouch.Foundation;
- using MonoTouch.UIKit;
- namespace Application
- {
- public partial class __6ViewController : UIViewController
- {
- …… //這裡省略了檢視控制器的構造方法和析構方法
- #region View lifecycle
- public override void ViewDidLoad ()
- {
- base.ViewDidLoad ();
- // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.
- //為主檢視新增文字檢視物件myTextView
- UITextView myTextView = new UITextView ();
- myTextView .Frame = new RectangleF (9, 90, 302, 180);
- this.View.AddSubview (myTextView);
- //為主檢視新增文字檢視物件myText
- UITextView myText = new UITextView ();
- myText .Frame = new RectangleF (9, 330, 302, 180);
- myText.Editable=false;
- this.View.AddSubview (myText);
- myText.Hidden = true;
- //為主檢視新增按鈕物件button
- UIButton button = new UIButton ();
- button.Frame = new RectangleF (137, 56, 46, 30);
- button.SetTitle ("完成", UIControlState.Normal);
- this.View.AddSubview (button);
- button.TouchUpInside += (sender, e) => {
- myTextView.ResignFirstResponder(); //關閉鍵盤
- myText.Hidden=false;
- myText.Text=myTextView.Text;
- } ;
- myTextView.Delegate = new MyTextViewDelegate(); //設定委託
- }
- //新增巢狀的類
- private class MyTextViewDelegate : UITextViewDelegate
- {
- //當文字檢視剛開始編輯時呼叫
- public override void EditingStarted (UITextView textView)
- {
- Console.WriteLine ("開始編輯文字");
- }
- //當文字檢視編輯結束時呼叫
- public override void EditingEnded (UITextView textView)
- {
- Console.WriteLine ("結束編輯文字");
- }
- //當文字檢視中的內容改變時呼叫
- public override void Changed (UITextView textView)
- {
- Console.WriteLine ("編輯文字");
- }
- }
- …… //這裡省略了檢視載入和解除安裝前後的一些方法
- #endregion
- }
- }
圖2.33 執行效果
- private class MyTextViewDelegate : UITextViewDelegate
- {
- ……
- }
本文選自:Xamarin iOS開發實戰大學霸內部資料,轉載請註明出處,尊重技術尊重IT人!
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/29597077/viewspace-1702778/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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