11r2 cluster 棄用的命令及替代命令
Deprecated Subprograms or Commands
Table E-1 lists the commands that are deprecated in Oracle Clusterware 11g release 2 (11.2) and their replacements that you can use to perform. the same or similar functionality. These commands are not supported in an Oracle Restart environment:
Table E-1 Deprecated CRSCTL Commands and Replacements
Deprecated Command | Replacement Commands |
crs_stat | crsctl check cluster -all crsctl stat res -t |
crs_register | crsctl add resource crsctl add type crsctl modify resource crsctl modify type |
crs_unregister | crsctl stop resource crsctl modify resource resource_name -attr "AUTO_START=never" |
crs_start | crsctl start resource crsctl start crs crsctl start cluster |
crs_stop | crsctl stop resource crsctl stop crs crsctl stop cluster |
crs_getperm | crsctl getperm resource crsctl getperm type |
crs_profile | crsctl add resource crsctl add type crsctl status resource crsctl status type crsctl modify resource crsctl modify type |
crs_relocate | crsctl relocate resource |
crs_setperm | crsctl setperm resource crsctl setperm type |
crsctl check crsd | crsctl check crs |
crsctl check cssd | crsctl check css |
crsctl check evmd | crsctl check evm |
crsctl debug res log resource_name:level | crsctl set log |
crsctl set css votedisk | crsctl add css votedisk crsctl delete css votedisk crsctl query css votedisk crsctl replace votedisk |
crsctl start resources | crsctl start resource -all |
crsctl stop resources | crsctl stop resource -all |
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