oracle DBA 角色重建


一哥們由於誤操作,在pl/sql developer中直接將公司測試資料庫伺服器中DBA 角色給刪除了,導致system使用者建立普通使用者的許可權丟失,只好協助其重建,通過晚上檢視資料,過程如下:

-- Create the role
oracle DBA 角色重建
create role DBA;
oracle DBA 角色重建
-- Grant/Revoke object privileges
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant execute on DBMS_DBVERIFY to DBA;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant execute on DBMS_DEFER_QUERY to DBA;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant execute on DBMS_DEFER_SYS to DBA;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant execute on DBMS_FEATURE_USAGE to DBA;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant execute on DBMS_FLASHBACK to DBA;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant execute on DBMS_MONITOR to DBA;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant execute on DBMS_RESUMABLE to DBA;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant execute on DBMS_SERVER_ALERT to DBA;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant execute on DBMS_SERVER_TRACE to DBA;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant execute on DBMS_SERVICE to DBA;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant execute on DBMS_STORAGE_MAP to DBA;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant execute on DBMS_UADV_ARR to DBA;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant execute on DBMS_UNDO_ADV to DBA;
oracle DBA 角色重建
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant execute on LOAD_UNDO_STAT to DBA;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant select, insert, update, delete, alter on MAP_OBJECT to DBA;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant execute on OUTLN_EDIT_PKG to DBA;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant execute on OUTLN_PKG to DBA;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant execute on RESET_UNDO_STAT to DBA;
oracle DBA 角色重建
-- Grant/Revoke role privileges
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant delete_catalog_role to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant execute_catalog_role to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant exp_full_database to DBA;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant gather_system_statistics to DBA;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant imp_full_database to DBA;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant java_admin to DBA;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant java_deploy to DBA;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant olap_dba to DBA;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant scheduler_admin to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant select_catalog_role to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant wm_admin_role to DBA;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant xdbadmin to DBA;
oracle DBA 角色重建
-- Grant/Revoke system privileges
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant administer any sql tuning set to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant administer database trigger to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant administer resource manager to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant administer sql tuning set to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant advisor to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant alter any cluster to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant alter any dimension to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant alter any evaluation context to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant alter any index to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant alter any indextype to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant alter any library to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant alter any materialized view to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant alter any outline to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant alter any procedure to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant alter any role to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant alter any rule to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant alter any rule set to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant alter any sequence to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant alter any sql profile to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant alter any table to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant alter any trigger to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant alter any type to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant alter database to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant alter profile to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant alter resource cost to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant alter rollback segment to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant alter session to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant alter system to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant alter tablespace to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant alter user to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant analyze any to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant analyze any dictionary to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant audit any to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant audit system to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant backup any table to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant become user to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant comment any table to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create any cluster to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create any context to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create any dimension to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create any directory to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create any evaluation context to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create any index to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create any indextype to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create any job to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create any library to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create any materialized view to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create any operator to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create any outline to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create any procedure to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create any rule to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create any rule set to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create any sequence to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create any sql profile to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create any synonym to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create any table to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create any trigger to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create any type to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create any view to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create cluster to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create database link to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create dimension to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create evaluation context to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create indextype to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create job to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create library to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create materialized view to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create operator to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create procedure to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create profile to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create public database link to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create public synonym to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create role to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create rollback segment to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create rule to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create rule set to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create sequence to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create session to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create synonym to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create table to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create tablespace to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create trigger to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create type to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create user to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant create view to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant debug any procedure to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant debug connect session to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant delete any table to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant dequeue any queue to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建
grant drop any cluster to DBA with admin option;
oracle DBA 角色重建 來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
