1, raid10+安裝OS
2,安裝oracle instance)+
5, 調整INSTANCE引數,調整temp tbs、redo file size、undo tbs大小
6,建立app schema、建立data\index tablespace
stop web app+掛通知
stop listener
sys@TOPBOX>select object_type,count(*) cnt from dba_objects where owner='TOPBOX' GROUP BY OBJECT_TYPE; OBJECT_TYPE CNT ------------------- -------------------- SEQUENCE 802 PROCEDURE 25 DATABASE LINK 2 LOB 3 TRIGGER 3 MATERIALIZED VIEW 2 TABLE 87 FUNCTION 12 VIEW 41 INDEX 142 sys@TOPBOX>@schemas_space SCHEMA Object type Space [MB] ----------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- ----------- ... TOPBOX INDEX 34102.25 LOBINDEX .19 LOBSEGMENT .44 TABLE 31132.69 *********************************** ----------- sum 65235.56 ...
expdp 用時14分鐘
expdp system/xxxxxx schemas=topbox directory=datapump dumpfile=newtopbox%U.dump filesize=5G parallel=6 logfile=topbox_parallel_expdp.log;
[oracle@topbox datapump]$ du newtopbox0*
829016 newtopbox01.dump
5248012 newtopbox02.dump
5248012 newtopbox03.dump
5248012 newtopbox04.dump
4338316 newtopbox05.dump
3681564 newtopbox06.dump
2029228 newtopbox07.dump
673872 newtopbox08.dump
80164 newtopbox09.dump
[oracle@topbox datapump]$ du newtopbox0*|awk ‘{sum += $1};END {print sum}’
DUMP file only contains of indexes metadata data.
scp 用時11分鐘
同為兩臺伺服器DELL 2950 ,找個閒置網路卡埠設定任意同網段IP,如192.168.0.1和192.168.0.2,用平時用的交叉線(不一定要直連線)網線不經交換機直連兩臺機器,發現有自適應很方便。
IMPDP 用時16分鐘 EXCLUDE=STATISTICS,constraint,index
impdp system/xxxxxxxx directory=datapump dumpfile=newtopbox%U.dump EXCLUDE=STATISTICS,constraint,index remap_tablespace=users:topbox parallel=6
CREATE ConstraintS and INDEXS
impdp username/XXXX directory=xxx DUMPFILE=newtopbox%U.dump SQLFILE=create_index.sql INCLUDE=constraint,index remap_tablespace=users:topbox_idx
Edit create_index.sql, Replaced the degree of parallel and nologging options
Bug 8604502 – IMPDP creates indexes with parallel degree 1 during import
This issue is fixed in:
12.1 (Future Release) (Server Patch Set) Bundle Patch 7 for Exadata Database Patch 24 on Windows Platforms
References ‘s post Speed up the index creation.
alter session set workarea_size_policy=MANUAL; alter session set db_file_multiblock_read_count=512; alter session set events '10351 trace name context forever, level 128'; alter session set sort_area_size=734003200; alter session set "_sort_multiblock_read_count"=128; alter session enable parallel ddl; alter session set db_file_multiblock_read_count=512; alter session set db_file_multiblock_read_count=512; alter session set "_sort_multiblock_read_count"=128; alter session set "_sort_multiblock_read_count"=128; spool create_index.log @create_index.sql spool off
Compile invalid objects
begin dbms_utility.COMPILE_SCHEMA('TOPBOX'); end /
Gather Schema Statistics
begin dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats( ownname => 'TOPBOX', estimate_percent => dbms_stats.auto_sample_size, method_opt => 'for all columns size 1', degree => 7 ); end /
METHOD_OPT was ‘FOR ALL COLUMNS SIZE 1′. This basically says to Oracle please only collect basic column statistics (min, max, distinct values etc.), do not collect histograms
on these columns. For columns that are evenly distributed and for columns that are not referenced in SQL statements, this is perfectly adequate. If a column was unevenly
distributed and detrimentally impacted the CBO’s costings of an execution plan, then one could generate histograms for those particular columns separately.
Configuration Oracle database automatically with the Linux OS startup and shutdown .
Configuration ORACLE database backup job.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/29119536/viewspace-1093967/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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- [20200620]expdp impdp exclude引數.txt
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