學習Oracle Objects的文件和問題記錄

最近在後臺寫些東東用到Oracle Objects的繼承等方面的知識,翻了下Oracle的文件資料.
9i:Basic Components of Oracle Objects
10g:Basic Components of Oracle Objects
我碰到的一些問題的解決方法(相信如果你用object type的繼承,也一定會有這些問題 ^-^):
1.how to invoke overriden methods in a super type
2.PLS-00363: expression 'SELF' cannot be used as an assignment target 
All methods in an object type accept an instance of that type as their first parameter. The name of this built-in parameter is SELF. Whether declared implicitly or explicitly, SELF is always the first parameter passed to a method.

In member functions, if SELF is not declared, its parameter mode defaults to IN. However, in member procedures, if SELF is not declared, its parameter mode defaults to IN OUT.

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/195110/viewspace-746261/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
