oracle 12c r2 rac 安裝時CLSRSC-400錯誤解決辦法
今天在安裝oracle 12c r2 rac 時提示
2017/09/23 21:37:23 CLSRSC-400: A system reboot is required to continue installing.
2017/09/23 21:37:23 CLSRSC-400: A system reboot is required to continue installing.
Applies to:
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later
Linux x86-64
Execution of while installing Grid Infrastructure on RedHat Linux or Oracle Linux with RedHat Compatible Kernel (RHCK) 7 fails with the following error:
CLSRSC-400: A system reboot is required to continue installing.
This applies to both clustered and standalone Grid Infrastructure installations.
This will affect all new installations of Grid Infrastructure on RedHat Linux or Oracle Linux with RedHat Compatible Kernel (RHCK) 7
While executing, the script will fail with the following message:
CLSRSC-400: A system reboot is required to continue installing.
A) If Grid Infrastructure installation has not yet commenced:
- Apply the interim patch 25078431 using the below procedure.
1. Unzip Grid Infrastructure Gold Image on local node as 'grid' user
2. Apply the patch by running:
/ -applyOneOffs patch location
An example is:
$ ./ -applyOneOffs /u01/patch/25078431/
Preparing the home to patch...
Applying the patch /u01/patch/25078431/...
Successfully applied the patch.
(Any warnings about X11 that are displayed may safely be ignored)
3. Follow the normal install process, including running Upon completion of the installation process, 'opatch lspatches' should show the patch is applied:
$ ./opatch lspatches
25078431;ACFS Interim patch for 25078431
OPatch succeeded.
B) If the Installation of Grid Infrastructure has failed during the execution of
While it is possible to continue from a failed execution after performing manual steps for patching, the steps can be error prone and complex so we recommend the process outlined below:
1. Clean up the partially installed Grid Infrastructure Home. Refer to the document: How to Deinstall Oracle Clusterware Home Manually Document 1364419.1 for the steps
2. Apply the patch as outlined in section A) here above and continue with the install process
Interim patch 25078431 is required before installing 12.2 GI on Linux 7.3 (RedHat and OL7 with RHCK).
07-July-2017 Creation of Document
14-July-2017 Updated reasoning on point (B) and link for the clean up document
14-July-2017 Published External
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