RMAN的"rman: can't open target"錯誤
[oracle@smsdbrac1 oracle]$ rman target /
rman: can't open target
[oracle@smsdbrac1 oracle]$ which rman
[oracle@smsdbrac1 bin]$ ./rman -help修正這個問題,我們只需要在Oracle使用者的環境變數下,將$ORACLE_HOME/bin放在PATH變數前就可以了:
[-S(ource of man page passed in)] [-F(ormatted man page passed in)]
[-r] [-l ]
[-V(olume)] [-U(RLs as hyperlinks)]
[-b (show subsections)] [-k(eep head/foot)]
[-n(ame of man page)] [-s(ection) ]
[-p(aragraph mode toggle)] [-t(abstops spacing)]
[-N(ormalize spacing, changebars)] [-y (zap hyphens toggle)]
[-K (declare that page has no breaks)]
[-d(iff)(diff of old page source to incorporate)]
[-M(essage)(included verbatim at end of Name section)]
[-R(ebus words for TkMan)] [-C (enable Tcl/Tk formatting)]
[-o (no op)] [-O(no op with arg)]
[-q(uiet--don't report warnings)] [-h(elp)] [-v(ersion)]
export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:${PATH}:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/local/bin
[oracle@smsdbrac1 oracle]$ su - oracle
[oracle@smsdbrac1 oracle]$ which rman
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/79499/viewspace-409913/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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- RMAN增量恢復
- RMAN備份概述
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- RMAN備份恢復典型案例——RMAN備份&系統變慢
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- [20190116]rman的老問題.txt
- RMAN中的 debug調式命令
- RMAN 備份相關的概念