【12c】12c RMAN新特性之UNTIL AVAILABLE REDO--自動恢復到REDO終點的步驟簡化
【12c】12c RMAN新特性之UNTIL AVAILABLE REDO--自動恢復到REDO終點的步驟簡化
在Oracle 12.2之前,當需要恢復資料庫到某個時間點的時候,需要確定SCN,或者日誌序列號,或者一個時間點,以便儘可能多的應用歸檔日誌,進而儘可能多的恢復資料。從12.2開始,RMAN新增引數“UNTIL AVALIABLE REDO”,語法如下:
l 不能針對恢復資料檔案或者表空間使用這個命令。
l 不能針對恢復PDB使用這個命令。
l 只能針對全庫恢復使用這個命令。
In this Document
Goal |
Solution |
A> Using Current Controlfile. |
B> When using backup or restored controlfile. |
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 12.2]Information in this document applies to any platform.
Goal of this Document is to explain how to use the New Feature in 12.2 Recover database until available redo.
The New Syntax available in 12.2 is
Finds the last available archived redo log and online redo logs, and recovers the database to the point where a log is missing.
The database files still needs to be consistent enough to open the database.
- You cannot recover a Datafile or Tablepace with this command.
- You cannot recover PDB using this command.
- You can use this command only while performing recovery of whole database.
Whenever a database needs to be restored to a Point in time we need to determine SCN, or the Sequence or time in order to apply as many archived logs as possible, to recover as much data as possible.
The new syntax helps reduce this work as rman would physically check for the available Archive/redo copy or backupset and do the recovery till the last available Archivelog based on information in Controlfile and physical availability of the Archivelog copy/redo log/Archive log backupsets.So you don't have to specify any until SCN ,Sequence or time.
Here is an example which explains the new feature.
In this example we will delete couple of Archivelog's after the backups are taken.
A> Using Current Controlfile.
Step1 :- Take a backup of the database
Rman> backup database plus archivelog
Starting backup at 24-AUG-17
current log archived
using channel ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting archived log backup set
channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying archived log(s) in backup set
input archived log thread=1 sequence=1 RECID=56 STAMP=952838603
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting piece 1 at 24-AUG-17
channel ORA_DISK_1: finished piece 1 at 24-AUG-17
piece handle=/u01/app/cdb/backupset/2017_08_24/o1_mf_annnn_TAG20170824T052759_dswryzts_.bkp tag=TAG20170824T052759 comment=NONE
channel ORA_DISK_1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:07
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting archived log backup set
channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying archived log(s) in backup set
input archived log thread=1 sequence=5 RECID=15 STAMP=952145574
input archived log thread=1 sequence=6 RECID=16 STAMP=952145576
input archived log thread=1 sequence=7 RECID=17 STAMP=952145579
input archived log thread=1 sequence=10 RECID=39 STAMP=952146261
input archived log thread=1 sequence=11 RECID=40 STAMP=952146361
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting piece 1 at 24-AUG-17
channel ORA_DISK_1: finished piece 1 at 24-AUG-17
piece handle=/u01/app/cdb/backupset/2017_08_24/o1_mf_annnn_TAG20170824T052759_dswrz70f_.bkp tag=TAG20170824T052759 comment=NONE
channel ORA_DISK_1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:02
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting archived log backup set
channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying archived log(s) in backup set
input archived log thread=1 sequence=2 RECID=57 STAMP=952838697
input archived log thread=1 sequence=3 RECID=58 STAMP=952838705
input archived log thread=1 sequence=4 RECID=59 STAMP=952838715
input archived log thread=1 sequence=5 RECID=60 STAMP=952838721
input archived log thread=1 sequence=6 RECID=61 STAMP=952838751
input archived log thread=1 sequence=7 RECID=62 STAMP=952838785
input archived log thread=1 sequence=8 RECID=63 STAMP=952838861
input archived log thread=1 sequence=9 RECID=64 STAMP=952838879
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting piece 1 at 24-AUG-17
channel ORA_DISK_1: finished piece 1 at 24-AUG-17
piece handle=/u01/app/cdb/backupset/2017_08_24/o1_mf_annnn_TAG20170824T052759_dswrz861_.bkp tag=TAG20170824T052759 comment=NONE
channel ORA_DISK_1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting archived log backup set
channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying archived log(s) in backup set
input archived log thread=1 sequence=15 RECID=44 STAMP=952146606
input archived log thread=1 sequence=16 RECID=45 STAMP=952146607
input archived log thread=1 sequence=17 RECID=55 STAMP=952147123
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting piece 1 at 24-AUG-17
channel ORA_DISK_1: finished piece 1 at 24-AUG-17
piece handle=/u01/app/cdb/backupset/2017_08_24/o1_mf_annnn_TAG20170824T052759_dswrz9bz_.bkp tag=TAG20170824T052759 comment=NONE
channel ORA_DISK_1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
Finished backup at 24-AUG-17
Starting backup at 24-AUG-17
using channel ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting full datafile backup set
channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) in backup set
input datafile file number=00007 name=/u01/app/cdb/datafile/o1_mf_users_dqlzw5mf_.dbf
input datafile file number=00001 name=/u01/app/cdb/datafile/o1_mf_system_dqlz2fhb_.dbf
input datafile file number=00003 name=/u01/app/cdb/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_dqlz2fj2_.dbf
input datafile file number=00004 name=/u01/app/cdb/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_dqlz2fjo_.dbf
input datafile file number=00013 name=/u01/app/cdb/datafile/o1_mf_abc_dqlz2fk4_.dbf
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting piece 1 at 24-AUG-17
channel ORA_DISK_1: finished piece 1 at 24-AUG-17
piece handle=/u01/app/cdb/backupset/2017_08_24/o1_mf_nnndf_TAG20170824T052810_dswrzc1c_.bkp tag=TAG20170824T052810 comment=NONE
channel ORA_DISK_1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:55
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting full datafile backup set
channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) in backup set
input datafile file number=00010 name=/u01/app/cdb/52A23D56DF2E3CC1E0535C08DC0A83FF/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_dqlzwyxk_.dbf
input datafile file number=00009 name=/u01/app/cdb/52A23D56DF2E3CC1E0535C08DC0A83FF/datafile/o1_mf_system_dqlzwyyh_.dbf
input datafile file number=00011 name=/u01/app/cdb/52A23D56DF2E3CC1E0535C08DC0A83FF/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_dqlzwyz0_.dbf
input datafile file number=00012 name=/u01/app/cdb/52A23D56DF2E3CC1E0535C08DC0A83FF/datafile/o1_mf_users_dqlzwz06_.dbf
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting piece 1 at 24-AUG-17
channel ORA_DISK_1: finished piece 1 at 24-AUG-17
piece handle=/u01/app/cdb/52A23D56DF2E3CC1E0535C08DC0A83FF/backupset/2017_08_24/o1_mf_nnndf_TAG20170824T052810_dsws128w_.bkp tag=TAG20170824T052810 comment=NONE
channel ORA_DISK_1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:25
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting full datafile backup set
channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) in backup set
input datafile file number=00006 name=/u01/app/cdb/52A2312195952E57E0535C08DC0A137A/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_dqlzxqtm_.dbf
input datafile file number=00005 name=/u01/app/cdb/52A2312195952E57E0535C08DC0A137A/datafile/o1_mf_system_dqlzxqvs_.dbf
input datafile file number=00008 name=/u01/app/cdb/52A2312195952E57E0535C08DC0A137A/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_dqlzxqwc_.dbf
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting piece 1 at 24-AUG-17
channel ORA_DISK_1: finished piece 1 at 24-AUG-17
piece handle=/u01/app/cdb/52A2312195952E57E0535C08DC0A137A/backupset/2017_08_24/o1_mf_nnndf_TAG20170824T052810_dsws1v45_.bkp tag=TAG20170824T052810 comment=NONE
channel ORA_DISK_1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:25
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting full datafile backup set
channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) in backup set
including current control file in backup set
including current SPFILE in backup set
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting piece 1 at 24-AUG-17
channel ORA_DISK_1: finished piece 1 at 24-AUG-17
piece handle=/u01/app/cdb/backupset/2017_08_24/o1_mf_ncsnf_TAG20170824T052810_dsws2o9d_.bkp tag=TAG20170824T052810 comment=NONE
channel ORA_DISK_1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
Finished backup at 24-AUG-17
Starting backup at 24-AUG-17
current log archived
using channel ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting archived log backup set
channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying archived log(s) in backup set
input archived log thread=1 sequence=10 RECID=65 STAMP=952838998 ===================> This is the minimum archivelog till which recovery would make database consistent to open.
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting piece 1 at 24-AUG-17
channel ORA_DISK_1: finished piece 1 at 24-AUG-17
piece handle=/u01/app/cdb/backupset/2017_08_24/o1_mf_annnn_TAG20170824T052958_dsws2pw8_.bkp tag=TAG20170824T052958 comment=NONE
channel ORA_DISK_1: backup set complete, elapsed time: 00:00:01
Finished backup at 24-AUG-17
So the last archivelog backed up is sequence 10 and thats the Minimum archivelog till which recovery needs to be done to open the database after restore.
Step 2 :- Do couple of Log switch and delete Couple of Archivelogs
Do couple of Logswitch on the Database
SQL>Alter system switch logfile ; ------------------>4-5 times
Archivelog the logfiles
SQL>Alter system archive log current ;
SQL> Select * from v$log ;
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --- ---------------- ------------- --------- ------------ --------- ----------
1 1 16 209715200 512 1 NO CURRENT 5431318 24-AUG-17 1.8447E+19 0
2 1 14 209715200 512 1 YES INACTIVE 5431295 24-AUG-17 5431305 24-AUG-17 0
3 1 15 209715200 512 1 YES INACTIVE 5431305 24-AUG-17 5431318 24-AUG-17 0
Archivelog copies are present under
$ cd /u01/app/cdb/archivelog/2017_08_24
o1_mf_1_13_dsws3xcf_.arc ----------------------> We delete this using rm
o1_mf_1_14_dsws40t3_.arc ----------------------> We delete this using rm
Now we will delete archivelog sequence 13 and 14 from OS using rm command . (Archivelog sequence 15 is still intact)
So we have All archivelogs until sequence 12 and then Archivelog sequence 15 and Current redo log having Sequence 16.
Step 3 : Restore the database from backup taken in Step 1
Restore the database from the backup taken from step 1
SQL>Shutdown immediate ;
SQL>Startup mount
rman target /
Rman> Restore database ;
Starting restore at 24-AUG-17
using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
channel ORA_DISK_1: SID=2543 device type=DISK
skipping datafile 5; already restored to file /u01/app/cdb52A2312195952E57E0535C08DC0A137A/datafile/o1_mf_system_dqlzxqvs_.dbf
skipping datafile 6; already restored to file /u01/app/cdb52A2312195952E57E0535C08DC0A137A/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_dqlzxqtm_.dbf
skipping datafile 8; already restored to file /u01/app/cdb52A2312195952E57E0535C08DC0A137A/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_dqlzxqwc_.dbf
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile backup set restore
channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) to restore from backup set
channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring datafile 00001 to /u01/app/cdbdatafile/o1_mf_system_dqlz2fhb_.dbf
channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring datafile 00003 to /u01/app/cdbdatafile/o1_mf_sysaux_dqlz2fj2_.dbf
channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring datafile 00004 to /u01/app/cdbdatafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_dqlz2fjo_.dbf
channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring datafile 00007 to /u01/app/cdbdatafile/o1_mf_users_dqlzw5mf_.dbf
channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring datafile 00013 to /u01/app/cdbdatafile/o1_mf_abc_dqlz2fk4_.dbf
channel ORA_DISK_1: reading from backup piece /u01/app/cdb/backupset/2017_08_24/o1_mf_nnndf_TAG20170824T052810_dswrzc1c_.bkp
channel ORA_DISK_1: piece handle=/u01/app/cdbbackupset/2017_08_24/o1_mf_nnndf_TAG20170824T052810_dswrzc1c_.bkp tag=TAG20170824T052810
channel ORA_DISK_1: restored backup piece 1
channel ORA_DISK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:01:15
channel ORA_DISK_1: starting datafile backup set restore
channel ORA_DISK_1: specifying datafile(s) to restore from backup set
channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring datafile 00009 to /u01/app/cdb52A23D56DF2E3CC1E0535C08DC0A83FF/datafile/o1_mf_system_dqlzwyyh_.dbf
channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring datafile 00010 to /u01/app/cdb52A23D56DF2E3CC1E0535C08DC0A83FF/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_dqlzwyxk_.dbf
channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring datafile 00011 to /u01/app/cdb52A23D56DF2E3CC1E0535C08DC0A83FF/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_dqlzwyz0_.dbf
channel ORA_DISK_1: restoring datafile 00012 to /u01/app/cdb52A23D56DF2E3CC1E0535C08DC0A83FF/datafile/o1_mf_users_dqlzwz06_.dbf
channel ORA_DISK_1: reading from backup piece /u01/app/cdb/backupset/2017_08_24/o1_mf_nnndf_TAG20170824T052810_dsws128w_.bkp
channel ORA_DISK_1: piece handle=/u01/app/cdb/backupset/2017_08_24/o1_mf_nnndf_TAG20170824T052810_dsws128w_.bkp tag=TAG20170824T052810
channel ORA_DISK_1: restored backup piece 1
channel ORA_DISK_1: restore complete, elapsed time: 00:00:25
Finished restore at 24-AUG-17
Step 4:- Use the new syntax
Rman> List copy of archivelog all ;
List of Archived Log Copies for database with db_unique_name CDB
67 1 12 A 24-AUG-17
Name: /u01/app/cdb/u01/app/cdb/archivelog/2017_08_24/o1_mf_1_12_dsws3rom_./u01/app/cdb
68 1 13 A 24-AUG-17
Name: /u01/app/cdb/u01/app/cdb/archivelog/2017_08_24/o1_mf_1_13_dsws3xcf_./u01/app/cdb ===========> Shown Available as it was deleted from OS level and not Rman
69 1 14 A 24-AUG-17
Name: /u01/app/cdb/u01/app/cdb/archivelog/2017_08_24/o1_mf_1_14_dsws40t3_./u01/app/cdb ===========> Shown Available as it was deleted from OS level and not Rman
70 1 15 A 24-AUG-17
Name: /u01/app/cdb/u01/app/cdb/archivelog/2017_08_24/o1_mf_1_15_dsws496x_./u01/app/cdb
RMAN> Recover database until available redo ;
Starting recover at 24-AUG-17
using channel ORA_DISK_1
starting media recovery
archived log for thread 1 with sequence 10 is already on disk as file /u01/app/cdb/archivelog/2017_08_24/o1_mf_1_10_dsws2plq_.arc
archived log for thread 1 with sequence 11 is already on disk as file /u01/app/cdb/archivelog/2017_08_24/o1_mf_1_11_dsws3m5c_.arc
archived log for thread 1 with sequence 12 is already on disk as file /u01/app/cdb/archivelog/2017_08_24/o1_mf_1_12_dsws3rom_.arc
archived log for thread 1 with sequence 14 is already on disk as file /u01/app/cdb/onlinelog/o1_mf_2_ds7ofpsb_.log
archived log for thread 1 with sequence 15 is already on disk as file /u01/app/cdb/archivelog/2017_08_24/o1_mf_1_15_dsws496x_.arc
archived log for thread 1 with sequence 16 is already on disk as file /u01/app/cdb/onlinelog/o1_mf_1_ds7ofmw0_.log
archived log file name=/u01/app/cdb/archivelog/2017_08_24/o1_mf_1_10_dsws2plq_.arc thread=1 sequence=10
archived log file name=/u01/app/cdb/archivelog/2017_08_24/o1_mf_1_11_dsws3m5c_.arc thread=1 sequence=11
archived log file name=/u01/app/cdb/archivelog/2017_08_24/o1_mf_1_12_dsws3rom_.arc thread=1 sequence=12
warning: attempt media recovery until thread 1, sequence 13 -----------------------------> Recover done Until sequence 13 (so applies last sequence 12)
Finished recover at 24-AUG-17
Here you can see the new syntax check which archivelogs are Physically available. In this case sequence 13 and sequence 14 were missing from OS level so it does a Recovery until Sequence 13 ;
RMAN> alter database open resetlogs;
using target database control file instead of recovery catalog
Statement processed
B> When using backup or restored controlfile.
The only change is Once the controlfile is restored and database is mounted ensure you Catalog all the backuppieces that are required so restored controlfile is aware about the backuppiece's.
You can use Catalog start with or Catalog backuppiece '<path and name>' command.
The steps to restore database and recovery are same as Step A.
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