Linux下安裝Oracle11g bash_profile 的相關解釋
[root@racnode1 ~]# su - grid
# --------------------------------------------------- # .bash_profile # --------------------------------------------------- # OS User: grid # Application: Oracle Grid Infrastructure # Version: Oracle 11g release 2 # --------------------------------------------------- # Get the aliases and functions if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc fi alias ls="ls -FA" # --------------------------------------------------- # ORACLE_SID # --------------------------------------------------- # Specifies the Oracle system identifier (SID) # for the Automatic Storage Management (ASM)instance # running on this node. # Each RAC node must have a unique ORACLE_SID. # (i.e. +ASM1, +ASM2,...) # --------------------------------------------------- ORACLE_SID=+ASM1; export ORACLE_SID # --------------------------------------------------- # JAVA_HOME # --------------------------------------------------- # Specifies the directory of the Java SDK and Runtime # Environment. # --------------------------------------------------- JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java; export JAVA_HOME # --------------------------------------------------- # ORACLE_BASE # --------------------------------------------------- # Specifies the base of the Oracle directory structure # for Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA) compliant # installations. The Oracle base directory for the # grid installation owner is the location where # diagnostic and administrative logs, and other logs # associated with Oracle ASM and Oracle Clusterware # are stored. # --------------------------------------------------- ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/grid; export ORACLE_BASE # --------------------------------------------------- # ORACLE_HOME # --------------------------------------------------- # Specifies the directory containing the Oracle # Grid Infrastructure software. For grid # infrastructure for a cluster installations, the Grid # home must not be placed under one of the Oracle base # directories, or under Oracle home directories of # Oracle Database installation owners, or in the home # directory of an installation owner. During # installation, ownership of the path to the Grid # home is changed to root. This change causes # permission errors for other installations. # --------------------------------------------------- ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/11.2.0/grid; export ORACLE_HOME # --------------------------------------------------- # ORACLE_PATH # --------------------------------------------------- # Specifies the search path for files used by Oracle # applications such as SQL*Plus. If the full path to # the file is not specified, or if the file is not # in the current directory, the Oracle application # uses ORACLE_PATH to locate the file. # This variable is used by SQL*Plus, Forms and Menu. # --------------------------------------------------- ORACLE_PATH=/u01/app/oracle/common/oracle/sql; export ORACLE_PATH # --------------------------------------------------- # SQLPATH # --------------------------------------------------- # Specifies the directory or list of directories that # SQL*Plus searches for a login.sql file. # --------------------------------------------------- # SQLPATH=/u01/app/common/oracle/sql; export SQLPATH # --------------------------------------------------- # ORACLE_TERM # --------------------------------------------------- # Defines a terminal definition. If not set, it # defaults to the value of your TERM environment # variable. Used by all character mode products. # --------------------------------------------------- ORACLE_TERM=xterm; export ORACLE_TERM # --------------------------------------------------- # NLS_DATE_FORMAT # --------------------------------------------------- # Specifies the default date format to use with the # TO_CHAR and TO_DATE functions. The default value of # this parameter is determined by NLS_TERRITORY. The # value of this parameter can be any valid date # format mask, and the value must be surrounded by # double quotation marks. For example: # # NLS_DATE_FORMAT = "MM/DD/YYYY" # # --------------------------------------------------- NLS_DATE_FORMAT="DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS"; export NLS_DATE_FORMAT # --------------------------------------------------- # TNS_ADMIN # --------------------------------------------------- # Specifies the directory containing the Oracle Net # Services configuration files like listener.ora, # tnsnames.ora, and sqlnet.ora. # --------------------------------------------------- TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin; export TNS_ADMIN # --------------------------------------------------- # ORA_NLS11 # --------------------------------------------------- # Specifies the directory where the language, # territory, character set, and linguistic definition # files are stored. # --------------------------------------------------- ORA_NLS11=$ORACLE_HOME/nls/data; export ORA_NLS11 # --------------------------------------------------- # PATH # --------------------------------------------------- # Used by the shell to locate executable programs; # must include the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory. # --------------------------------------------------- PATH=.:${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}:$HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/bin PATH=${PATH}:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/local/bin PATH=${PATH}:/u01/app/common/oracle/bin export PATH # --------------------------------------------------- # LD_LIBRARY_PATH # --------------------------------------------------- # Specifies the list of directories that the shared # library loader searches to locate shared object # libraries at runtime. # --------------------------------------------------- LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:$ORACLE_HOME/oracm/lib LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib export LD_LIBRARY_PATH # --------------------------------------------------- # CLASSPATH # --------------------------------------------------- # Specifies the directory or list of directories that # contain compiled Java classes. # --------------------------------------------------- CLASSPATH=$ORACLE_HOME/JRE CLASSPATH=${CLASSPATH}:$ORACLE_HOME/jlib CLASSPATH=${CLASSPATH}:$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/jlib CLASSPATH=${CLASSPATH}:$ORACLE_HOME/network/jlib export CLASSPATH # --------------------------------------------------- # THREADS_FLAG # --------------------------------------------------- # All the tools in the JDK use green threads as a # default. To specify that native threads should be # used, set the THREADS_FLAG environment variable to # "native". You can revert to the use of green # threads by setting THREADS_FLAG to the value # "green". # --------------------------------------------------- THREADS_FLAG=native; export THREADS_FLAG # --------------------------------------------------- # TEMP, TMP, and TMPDIR # --------------------------------------------------- # Specify the default directories for temporary # files; if set, tools that create temporary files # create them in one of these directories. # --------------------------------------------------- export TEMP=/tmp export TMPDIR=/tmp # --------------------------------------------------- # UMASK # --------------------------------------------------- # Set the default file mode creation mask # (umask) to 022 to ensure that the user performing # the Oracle software installation creates files # with 644 permissions. # --------------------------------------------------- umask 022 |
[root@racnode1 ~]# su - oracle
# --------------------------------------------------- # .bash_profile # --------------------------------------------------- # OS User: oracle # Application: Oracle Database Software Owner # Version: Oracle 11g release 2 # --------------------------------------------------- # Get the aliases and functions if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then . ~/.bashrc fi alias ls="ls -FA" # --------------------------------------------------- # ORACLE_SID # --------------------------------------------------- # Specifies the Oracle system identifier (SID) for # the Oracle instance running on this node. # Each RAC node must have a unique ORACLE_SID. # (i.e. racdb1, racdb2,...) # --------------------------------------------------- ORACLE_SID=racdb1; export ORACLE_SID # --------------------------------------------------- # ORACLE_UNQNAME # --------------------------------------------------- # In previous releases of Oracle Database, you were # required to set environment variables for # ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID to start, stop, and # check the status of Enterprise Manager. With # Oracle Database 11g release 2 (11.2) and later, you # need to set the environment variables ORACLE_HOME # and ORACLE_UNQNAME to use Enterprise Manager. # Set ORACLE_UNQNAME equal to the database unique # name. # --------------------------------------------------- ORACLE_UNQNAME=racdb; export ORACLE_UNQNAME # --------------------------------------------------- # JAVA_HOME # --------------------------------------------------- # Specifies the directory of the Java SDK and Runtime # Environment. # --------------------------------------------------- JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java; export JAVA_HOME # --------------------------------------------------- # ORACLE_BASE # --------------------------------------------------- # Specifies the base of the Oracle directory structure # for Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA) compliant # database software installations. # --------------------------------------------------- ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle; export ORACLE_BASE # --------------------------------------------------- # ORACLE_HOME # --------------------------------------------------- # Specifies the directory containing the Oracle # Database software. # --------------------------------------------------- ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1; export ORACLE_HOME # --------------------------------------------------- # ORACLE_PATH # --------------------------------------------------- # Specifies the search path for files used by Oracle # applications such as SQL*Plus. If the full path to # the file is not specified, or if the file is not # in the current directory, the Oracle application # uses ORACLE_PATH to locate the file. # This variable is used by SQL*Plus, Forms and Menu. # --------------------------------------------------- ORACLE_PATH=/u01/app/common/oracle/sql; export ORACLE_PATH # --------------------------------------------------- # SQLPATH # --------------------------------------------------- # Specifies the directory or list of directories that # SQL*Plus searches for a login.sql file. # --------------------------------------------------- # SQLPATH=/u01/app/common/oracle/sql; export SQLPATH # --------------------------------------------------- # ORACLE_TERM # --------------------------------------------------- # Defines a terminal definition. If not set, it # defaults to the value of your TERM environment # variable. Used by all character mode products. # --------------------------------------------------- ORACLE_TERM=xterm; export ORACLE_TERM # --------------------------------------------------- # NLS_DATE_FORMAT # --------------------------------------------------- # Specifies the default date format to use with the # TO_CHAR and TO_DATE functions. The default value of # this parameter is determined by NLS_TERRITORY. The # value of this parameter can be any valid date # format mask, and the value must be surrounded by # double quotation marks. For example: # # NLS_DATE_FORMAT = "MM/DD/YYYY" # # --------------------------------------------------- NLS_DATE_FORMAT="DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS"; export NLS_DATE_FORMAT # --------------------------------------------------- # TNS_ADMIN # --------------------------------------------------- # Specifies the directory containing the Oracle Net # Services configuration files like listener.ora, # tnsnames.ora, and sqlnet.ora. # --------------------------------------------------- TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin; export TNS_ADMIN # --------------------------------------------------- # ORA_NLS11 # --------------------------------------------------- # Specifies the directory where the language, # territory, character set, and linguistic definition # files are stored. # --------------------------------------------------- ORA_NLS11=$ORACLE_HOME/nls/data; export ORA_NLS11 # --------------------------------------------------- # PATH # --------------------------------------------------- # Used by the shell to locate executable programs; # must include the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory. # --------------------------------------------------- PATH=.:${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${PATH}:$HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/bin PATH=${PATH}:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/bin/X11:/usr/local/bin PATH=${PATH}:/u01/app/common/oracle/bin export PATH # --------------------------------------------------- # LD_LIBRARY_PATH # --------------------------------------------------- # Specifies the list of directories that the shared # library loader searches to locate shared object # libraries at runtime. # --------------------------------------------------- LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:$ORACLE_HOME/oracm/lib LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib export LD_LIBRARY_PATH # --------------------------------------------------- # CLASSPATH # --------------------------------------------------- # Specifies the directory or list of directories that # contain compiled Java classes. # --------------------------------------------------- CLASSPATH=$ORACLE_HOME/JRE CLASSPATH=${CLASSPATH}:$ORACLE_HOME/jlib CLASSPATH=${CLASSPATH}:$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/jlib CLASSPATH=${CLASSPATH}:$ORACLE_HOME/network/jlib export CLASSPATH # --------------------------------------------------- # THREADS_FLAG # --------------------------------------------------- # All the tools in the JDK use green threads as a # default. To specify that native threads should be # used, set the THREADS_FLAG environment variable to # "native". You can revert to the use of green # threads by setting THREADS_FLAG to the value # "green". # --------------------------------------------------- THREADS_FLAG=native; export THREADS_FLAG # --------------------------------------------------- # TEMP, TMP, and TMPDIR # --------------------------------------------------- # Specify the default directories for temporary # files; if set, tools that create temporary files # create them in one of these directories. # --------------------------------------------------- export TEMP=/tmp export TMPDIR=/tmp # --------------------------------------------------- # UMASK # --------------------------------------------------- # Set the default file mode creation mask # (umask) to 022 to ensure that the user performing # the Oracle software installation creates files # with 644 permissions. # --------------------------------------------------- umask 022 |
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