Oracle 資料庫引數改善例項 - PDM8



Oracle監控報告, PTC TS分析後得出的建議 。

1: Please increase pga_aggregate_target: 1G is advised.

2: Change Oracle parameters as below.
optimizer_index_caching=90 #No any side-effect.
optimizer_index_cost_adj=10 #No any side-effect.
db_file_multiblock_read_count=4 #Best practice from me. There are lots of slow SQLs which take more than 30 seconds to run (Probably full table scan), but Windchill has built proper indexes on the tables already. Your original setting is easy to result in full-table scan.
Please refer to document

3: Please change below 2 parameters. ##below parameters are mandatory, and are the only Windchill supported way. Current value is wrong. The function index will not use with your wrong configuration.

4: The Oracle statistics is not up to date. Please told DBA to gather statistics with SQL below. ##This is mandatory also
execute dbms_stats.gather_schema_stats(ownname => 'PDM8', cascade=>true);

for above change.

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