How to release space from database( in other words: resize datafile ) 【zt】
How to release space from database
(Step 3-5 only applies to development/testing DB or in an offline production DB, because move table would destroy index.)
當然就是resize datafile 了,下面稍微寫了一下步驟
[@more@]How to release space from database
(Step 3-5 only applies to development/testing DB or in an offline production DB, because move table would destroy index.)
1. Find which tablespace have much free space.
Select sum(bytes)/1024/1024 , tablespace_name from dba_free_space
Group by tablespace_name order by 1 desc
721.0625 USERS
327.25 UNDOTBS1
2. For the tablespace that has much free space, try to resize it to the highest blocks.
SELECT 'alter database datafile '||d.file_id ||' resize '||
NVL(ROUND(MAX(e.block_id+e.blocks -1)* t.block_size /1024/1024+1),11)||'M;'
FROM dba_extents e, dba_data_files d , dba_tablespaces t
WHERE d.tablespace_name = t. tablespace_name
AND d.file_id = e.file_id(+)
AND t. tablespace_name = :tbsname
AND e. tablespace_name(+) = :tbsname
GROUP BY d.file_id , t.block_size
alter database datafile 5 resize 237M;
alter database datafile 6 resize 41M;
3. Check if there is still much free space. If not, continue to the next tablespace, Else, continue to the next step.
4. Find the free space of the tablespace.
SELECT file_id , block_id, block_id+blocks , blocks
FROM dba_free_space
WHERE TABLEspace_name = :tbsname
FILE_ID | First_block | Last_block | Total Block |
5 | 30217 | 30337 | 120 |
5 | 28937 | 29833 | 896 |
5 | 28553 | 28681 | 128 |
5 | 28185 | 28297 | 112 |
5 | 28129 | 28169 | 40 |
5 | 28081 | 28121 | 40 |
5 | 13129 | 28041 | 14912 |
5 | 7601 | 13097 | 5496 |
5 | 2657 | 7585 | 4928 |
5 | 2585 | 2625 | 40 |
5 | 137 | 2569 | 2432 |
6 | 5105 | 5249 | 144 |
6 | 5081 | 5097 | 16 |
6 | 5001 | 5073 | 72 |
6 | 4745 | 4849 | 104 |
6 | 3625 | 4705 | 1080 |
6 | 97 | 3593 | 3496 |
5. For each file, try to move the segment down the big free chunk.
a. Move tables above the point
b. Rebuild affected indexes
c. Rebuild indexes above the point
a. Move tables above the point
Select distinct ‘alter table ‘||owner||’.’||segment_name||’ move ;’
From dba_extents
Where file_id = :file_id
And segment_type = ‘TABLE’
And tablespace_name = :tbs_name
And block_id > :block_id --(for file_id 6, should be 3593)
b. Rebuild affected indexes
Select ‘alter index ‘||owner||’.’||index_name||’ rebuild;’
From all_indexes
where status = ‘UNUSED’
c. Rebuild indexes above the point
Select distinct ‘alter table ‘||owner||’.’||segment_name||’ move ;’
From dba_extents
Where file_id = :file_id
And segment_type = ‘INDEX’
And tablespace_name = :tbs_name
And block_id > :block_id --(for file_id 6, should be 3593)
6. Continue step 2
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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