使用TOAD(8.5.3)開啟ORACLE10.2中儲存過程報錯:'IN' is not a valid integer value

這是軟體固有的bug ,最新版了9。0

Toad 8.6.1已經修復了這個問題
,如下為官方自述 :
TOAD version 8.6.1 is provided as a patch with selected fixes to version 8.6. This patch version is not intended to address all reported issues. Rather, it addresses a subset of the issues, selected based on severity and complexity.

In particular, the following problems are addressed:

When Oracle patched version with version the structure of the ALL_ARGUMENTS view changed, causing Toad 8.6.0 or earlier to state: "IN " is not a valid integer value when selecting procedures in the Schema Browser or loading them into the Procedure Editor. Toad 8.6.1 remedies this problem.

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/35489/viewspace-85142/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
