Oracle 12c新特性 - Top frequency histogram 3
4. 生成top frequency histogram 的必要條件:
1). The data set has more than n distinct values. (n表示桶數量)
2). The percentage of rows occupied by the top n frequent values is equal to or greater than threshold p, where p is (1-(1/n))*100.
3). The estimate_percent parameter is set to AUTO_SAMPLE_SIZE in the DBMS_STATS statistics gathering procedure.
top n 在這裡表示 top 8 的資料(查詢出的前8行rows加總) :
select sum(CNT) from (
select code , count(1) as CNT from hw.test_tmp3 group by code order by count(1) desc
) where rownum<=8 ;
得出top 8 的value 總行數有187 , 佔用百分比為: 187/192 = 0.9739
1-1/n = 1-1/8 = 0.875 < 0.9739
顯然,滿足第二個條件,其他1,3條件也是滿足的,所以生成了top frequency histogram.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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