


PostgreSQL , brin索引 , bloom filter , min max 分段




《HTAP資料庫 PostgreSQL 場景與效能測試之 24 – (OLTP) 物聯網 – 時序資料併發寫入(含時序索引BRIN)》

《PostgreSQL BRIN索引的pages_per_range選項優化與核心程式碼優化思考》

《萬億級電商廣告 – brin黑科技帶你(最低成本)玩轉毫秒級圈人(視覺挖掘姊妹篇) – 阿里雲RDS PostgreSQL, HybridDB for PostgreSQL最佳實踐》

《PostGIS空間索引(GiST、BRIN、R-Tree)選擇、優化 – 阿里雲RDS PostgreSQL最佳實踐》


《PostgreSQL 並行寫入堆表,如何保證時序線性儲存 – BRIN索引優化》

《PostgreSQL 10.0 preview 功能增強 – BRIN 索引更新smooth化》

《PostgreSQL 聚集儲存 與 BRIN索引 – 高併發行為、軌跡類大吞吐資料查詢場景解說》

《PostgreSQL 物聯網黑科技 – 瘦身幾百倍的索引(BRIN index)》

《PostgreSQL 9.5 new feature – lets BRIN be used with R-Tree-like indexing strategies For “inclusion” opclasses》

《PostgreSQL 9.5 new feature – BRIN (block range index) index》


當資料分佈與HEAP儲存的 線性相關性很差時,效果不好。如何改進呢?



如果使用多段儲存,那麼應該是1-35, 80。這樣的話使用BRIN索引找40歲的住戶直接返回0條記錄。

1、現在PostgreSQL 11馬上要提交的PATCH,就包含了multi min max的優化

2、第二個改進是引入了BRIN的BLOOM FILTER,我們知道BLOOM FILTER用少量的BIT位表示某被索引值是否存在,存在則設定這些BIT為1,如果對應的BITS不全為1,則說明沒有這條記錄。但是為了節約空間,BIT存在衝撞,例如某個值的BITS可能被其他一個或多個值的BITS覆蓋。




select * from tbl where a=? and b=? and c=? or d=?  


目前使用bloom外掛可以建立BLOOM索引,而PostgreSQL 11,會把這個功能加入BRIN索引介面中。

min max 分段

這個是POC裡面的例子,可以看到使用分段MIN MAX後,BRIN索引的過濾性好了很多。


To illustrate the improvement, consider this table:

    create table a (val float8) with (fillfactor = 90);  
    insert into a select i::float from generate_series(1,10000000) s(i);  
    update a set val = 1 where random() < 0.01;  
    update a set val = 10000000 where random() < 0.01;  

Which means the column `val` is almost perfectly correlated with the
position in the table (which would be great for BRIN minmax indexes),
but then 1% of the values is set to 1 and 10.000.000. That means pretty
much every range will be [1,10000000], which makes this BRIN index
mostly useless, as illustrated by these explain plans:

    create index on a using brin (val) with (pages_per_range = 16);  
    explain analyze select * from a where val = 100;  
                                  QUERY PLAN  
     Bitmap Heap Scan on a  (cost=54.01..10691.02 rows=8 width=8)  
                            (actual time=5.901..785.520 rows=1 loops=1)  
       Recheck Cond: (val = `100`::double precision)  
       Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 9999999  
       Heap Blocks: lossy=49020  
       ->  Bitmap Index Scan on a_val_idx  
             (cost=0.00..54.00 rows=3400 width=0)  
             (actual time=5.792..5.792 rows=490240 loops=1)  
             Index Cond: (val = `100`::double precision)  
     Planning time: 0.119 ms  
     Execution time: 785.583 ms  
    (8 rows)  
    explain analyze select * from a where val between 100 and 10000;  
                                  QUERY PLAN  
     Bitmap Heap Scan on a  (cost=55.94..25132.00 rows=7728 width=8)  
                      (actual time=5.939..858.125 rows=9695 loops=1)  
       Recheck Cond: ((val >= `100`::double precision) AND  
                      (val <= `10000`::double precision))  
       Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 9990305  
       Heap Blocks: lossy=49020  
       ->  Bitmap Index Scan on a_val_idx  
             (cost=0.00..54.01 rows=10200 width=0)  
             (actual time=5.831..5.831 rows=490240 loops=1)  
             Index Cond: ((val >= `100`::double precision) AND  
                          (val <= `10000`::double precision))  
     Planning time: 0.139 ms  
     Execution time: 871.132 ms  
    (8 rows)  

Obviously, the queries do scan the whole table and then eliminate most
of the rows in “Index Recheck”. Decreasing pages_per_range does not
really make a measurable difference in this case – it eliminates maybe
10% of the rechecks, but most pages still have very wide minmax range.

With the patch, it looks about like this:

    create index on a using brin (val float8_minmax_multi_ops)  
                            with (pages_per_range = 16);  
    explain analyze select * from a where val = 100;  
                                  QUERY PLAN  
     Bitmap Heap Scan on a  (cost=830.01..11467.02 rows=8 width=8)  
                            (actual time=7.772..8.533 rows=1 loops=1)  
       Recheck Cond: (val = `100`::double precision)  
       Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 3263  
       Heap Blocks: lossy=16  
       ->  Bitmap Index Scan on a_val_idx  
             (cost=0.00..830.00 rows=3400 width=0)  
             (actual time=7.729..7.729 rows=160 loops=1)  
             Index Cond: (val = `100`::double precision)  
     Planning time: 0.124 ms  
     Execution time: 8.580 ms  
    (8 rows)  
    explain analyze select * from a where val between 100 and 10000;  
                                 QUERY PLAN  
     Bitmap Heap Scan on a  (cost=831.94..25908.00 rows=7728 width=8)  
                        (actual time=9.318..23.715 rows=9695 loops=1)  
       Recheck Cond: ((val >= `100`::double precision) AND  
                      (val <= `10000`::double precision))  
       Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 3361  
       Heap Blocks: lossy=64  
       ->  Bitmap Index Scan on a_val_idx  
             (cost=0.00..830.01 rows=10200 width=0)  
             (actual time=9.274..9.274 rows=640 loops=1)  
             Index Cond: ((val >= `100`::double precision) AND  
                          (val <= `10000`::double precision))  
     Planning time: 0.138 ms  
     Execution time: 36.100 ms  
    (8 rows)  

bloom filter

