由於各方面的因素,資料塊可能會出現損壞,這個損壞包括邏輯上的和物理上的,DBA們可以使用rman, analyzer, dbv等工具對資料檔案進行驗證,從而發現潛在的corruption。
今天從oracle support上檢視了一篇文章,關於使用 dbv來驗證資料檔案的,感覺和rman validate database, validate datafile file_number具有相似的功能。
DBVERIFY - Database file Verification Utility (7.3.2 - 11.2) (Doc ID 35512.1)
This article describes the basic details of the DBVERIFY (or DBV)
utility which can be used to check Oracle datafiles for signs of
corruption. The article gives summary details of how to use
DBV and gives an indication of what output to expect, along with
notes on how to interpret the output. There is also an example at the
end of the article.
The DBV utility is supplied with Oracle7 release 7.3.2 onwards and
with all Oracle8 / 8i releases.
DBV can be used against data files from earlier Oracle releases
but it must be executed from the ORACLE_HOME environment in which it
is installed - you CANNOT just copy the executable about.
Eg: DBVERIFY 7.3 can check Oracle 7.1 data files provided it is run
from the 7.3 $ORACLE_HOME
DBV checks Oracle datafiles to ensure that:
- The datafile has a valid header
- Each datablock in the file has a special "wrapper" which identifies
the block - this "wrapper" is checked for correctness
- DATA (TABLE) and INDEX blocks are internally consistent
- From 8.1.6 onwards: That various other block types are internally
consistent (such as rollback segment blocks)
The tool can be used to give some degree of confidence that a
datafile is free from corruption. It opens files in a read only mode
and so cannot change the contents of the file being checked.
DBV can be run against datafiles which are currently opened by a
database instance - there is no need to shutdown the database.
Datafiles are opened read-only by DBV so it cannot corrupt
the contents. There was a bug on 8.0.4 where DBV could not be used
on opened datafiles on Windows NT but that bug was fixed on 8.1.6.
Any release: dbv FILE=filename [options]
Windows NT:
7.3: DBVERF73 FILE=filename [options]
8.0: DBVERF80 FILE=filename [options]
8.1: DBV FILE=filename [options]
In versions less than 9.2.0 DBV cannot be used on VMS systems against files which are currently
opened by an instance.
Any release: DBV FILE=filename [options]
7.3: Does not exist
8.0/8.1: DBV FILE=/DSN/filename
Keyword Description Meaning
--------- ------------------ -----------------
FILE File to Verify This is the name of the file to verify.
See "Limitations" below if your datafile
name has no suffix.
START Start Block This is the first datablock to check in
the file. This defaults to the first
block in the file and need only be
specified if you want to check just
a portion of a given file.
END End Block This is the last datablock to check in the
file. This defaults to the last block of
the file but may need specifying for RAW
devices (See "Limitations" below)
BLOCKSIZE Logical Block Size This is the database block size of the
datafile you wish to scan. The value
defaults to "2048".
This parameter must be set to the
DB_BLOCK_SIZE of the datafile to be
LOGFILE Output Log This is the name of file to output the
results to. The default is "NONE" and
output is sent to terminal.
FEEDBACK Display Progress If set to a value above 0 (the default)
then DBV outputs a "." for every N pages
of the datafile checked. This is useful
to see that DBV is working through the
PARFILE Parameter file Parameters can be specified in a
parameter file and PARFILE used to cause
the file contents to be used as input
parameters. The PARFILE can contain any
of the above options.
HIGH_SCN Scn Highest Block SCN To Verify
(scn_wrap.scn_base OR scn)
Find the blocks exceeding the SCN.
Available in version and above.
USERID Username/Password If the file you are verifying is an
Automatic Storage Management (ASM) file,
you must supply a USERID. This is because
DBVERIFY needs to connect to an Oracle
instance to access ASM files.
SEGMENT_ID TS#.FILE#.BLOCK# Specifies the segment that you want to verify.
For more info, review Note:139962.1
For help on command line parameters in a given version type
"dbv help=y" at the command line.
Limitations and Special Notes
- As DBV performs checks at a block level it cannot detect problems
such as INDEX versus TABLE mismatches which can be detected by the
- This utility can ONLY be used against DATA files.
It CANNOT be used to verify redo log files or control files.
- You can use DBV to verify an Automatic Storage Management (ASM) file.
However, the database must be opened and the option USERID has to be used
Example : dbv file=+DG1/ORCL/datafile/system01.dbf userid=system/sys
DBV checks the userid/password for ASM managed files, which is not possible when database is not open.
- On most releases on Unix DBV expects a filename extension.
This means that DBV cannot be used against datafiles with no
filename suffix, or against RAW devices.
The workaround is to create a symbolic link to the raw device where
the link name MUST have an extension.
Eg: ln -s /dev/rdsk/mydevice /tmp/mydevice.dbf
Now use DBV against /tmp/mydevice.dbf
- For RAW devices you should use the END parameter to avoid running
off the end of the Oracle file space.
eg: "dbv FILE=/dev/rdsk/r1.dbf END="
If you get the END value too high DBV can report the last page/s of the
file as corrupt as these are beyond the end of the Oracle portion of
the raw device.
You can find value for END from the V$DATAFILE view by dividing the
BYTES value by the database block size.
Eg: To find out the END value to use for file#=5:
SVRMGRL> show parameter db_block_size
----------------------------------- ------- ------
db_block_size integer 2048
SVRMGRL> select BYTES/2048 from v$datafile where FILE#=5;
So the command would be:
dbv file=/dev/rdsk/r1.dbf blocksize=2048 END=5120
- DBV may not be able to scan datafiles larger than 2Gb and
may report "DBV-100". This is reported in Bug:710888 for Unix and
Bug:1372172 for 8.1.6 on NT. This problem is platform and release
specific so if you get DBV-100 errors check the filesize first.
- DBV from 8.1.6 onwards may report spurious errors for rollback segment
blocks if the database has been migrated from Oracle7. See Bug:1359160
and Note:118008.1.
- DBV only checks a block in isolation - it does not know if the block
is part of an existing object or not.
- DBV is broken on SCO Unix - see Bug:814249
- DBV of a lower version should not be used against a higher DB version.
Example Output
$ dbv file=users01.dbf blocksize=2048
DBVERIFY - Verification starting : FILE = users01.dbf
kdbchk: a row ends in the middle of another
tab=0 slot=1 begin=0x7a0 len=0x14
Page 3 failed with check code 5
Page 10 is marked software corrupt
Page 12 is marked software corrupt
DBVERIFY - Verification complete
Total Pages Examined : 512
Total Pages Processed (Data) : 1
Total Pages Failing (Data) : 1
Total Pages Processed (Index): 0
Total Pages Failing (Index): 0
Total Pages Empty : 507
Total Pages Marked Corrupt : 2
Total Pages Influx : 0
If the utility reports any pages to be 'Marked Corrupt' or 'Failing' then
re-run the command to see if the problem is transient or not. If there
are still corruptions reported then contact your local support centre
for advice.
Interpreting the Output
If any pages report an error then contact Oracle support with the output.
This section gives a brief overview of the meaning of the main output
lines from the above output.
"Page N failed with check code Y" errors
This implies the block wrapper is correct but the content of the block
failed one of the many internal consistency checks.
The "Page" number in the output is the database block number within the
eg: kdbchk: a row ends in the middle of another
tab=0 slot=1 begin=0x7a0 len=0x14
Page 3 failed with check code 5
This sort of corruption on a block is most likely to cause one of the
following problems when accessed:
- ORA-600 errors
- Core dump (ORA-7445)
- Corrupt data to be returned
If block checking is enabled on the database then an update to the
block may mark the block as corrupt (ORA-1578) or may just crash
the session.
"Page N is marked software corrupt" or
"Page N is marked media corrupt" or
"Page N is marked corrupt"
This means the block wrapper is incorrect.
Oracle7 does not dump any additional information so the form of the
corruption is difficult to tell just from DBV. Oracle8 dumps details
of the cache wrapper.
The "Page" number in the output is the database block number within the
eg: Page 10 is marked corrupt
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x04c0000a file=0. blocknum=10.
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block - type:6. format:2. rdba:0x04c000ff
last change scn:0x056c.ce87bf25 seq:0x1 flg:0x00
consistency value in tail 0xbf250601
check value in block header: 0x0, check value not calculated
spare1:0x0, spare2:0x0, spare2:0x0
This sort of corruption on a block will show up as an ORA-1578
when the block is accessed.
"Block Checking: DBA = 67108867, Block Type = Undo data block"
This form of error can be reported by DBV from 8.1.6 onwards if it
sees corrupt rollback segment blocks. If the database has been
migrated from Oracle7 then these errors may be spurious if DBV
sees an Oracle7 format rollback segment block.
See Bug:1359160 and Note:118008.1 for more details.
If this is a real problem (and not due to an Oracle7 to 8 migration
as described above) then this sort of corruption is most likely to
cause one of the following problems when accessed:
- ORA-600 errors
- Core dump (ORA-7445)
- Corrupt data
Summary lines
When DBV completes it outputs a summary of the form below:
Output text Meaning
~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
Total Pages Examined : 512 Number of blocks looked at
Total Pages Processed (Data) : 1 Number of TABLE blocks seen
Total Pages Failing (Data) : 1 Number of TABLE blocks with
internal inconsistencies
Total Pages Processed (Index): 0 Number of INDEX blocks seen
Total Pages Failing (Index): 0 Number of INDEX block with
internal inconsistencies
Total Pages Empty : 507 Number of unused blocks seen
Total Pages Marked Corrupt : 2 Number of blocks with corrupt
cache wrappers
Total Pages Influx : 0 Number of pages we re-read
as the page looked like it
was being modified when it
was first read.
What to do if DBV shows problems on a file
If DBV reports any pages as 'Marked Corrupt' or 'Failing' then it is
advisable to re-run the command to see if the problem is transient or not.
Continual transient problems are often caused by a faulty disk controller
and to the first step should be the check the disk subsystem.
If DBV consistently reports errors in the same location then the file
contains corrupt block/s:
If there are very many errors it usually best to assume the
file is bad and look for backups of the file which could be recovered.
If there are only a few bad blocks then you need to note down:
- The filename
- The absolute file number of this file
( Use "SELECT file#, name FROM V$DATAFILE;" to find this )
- The block number of the bad block/s
( This is the same as the "Page" number in the DBV output )
- The type of error on the block
If the block would signal an ORA-1578 error in Oracle
there are more options to get around the corruption but
the content of the block is lost. If the block is
internally inconsistent there are less options to get
around the corruption but some rows in the block may
be accessible.
Once you know the above details see Note:28814.1 which describes
how to determine which object is corrupt and what you can do about
it. Use the absolute FILE# for and the page number for in
that article. Note that it is quite possible that the corrupt block
does not belong to any current object in which case the corruption
can be ignored.
*** IMPORTANT *** If the file you have DBVed is from a backup
then you cannot use the current data dictionary
to determine which object/s have a problem as
the block may have been reused by a different
object. (eg: Original table dropped)
1) Log into svrmgrl to find out block size for your databae and datafile
locations and names:
$ svrmgrl
Oracle Server Manager Release - Production
(c) Copyright 1997, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning and Java options
PL/SQL Release - Production
SVRMGR> connect internal
SVRMGR> show parameter db_block_size
----------------------------------- ------- -----------------------
db_block_size integer 2048
SVRMGR> select file#,name,bytes/2048 from v$datafile;
----- --------------------------------------- ----------
1 /u02/oradata/R815/oradata/R815/system01.dbf 40960
2 /u02/oradata/R815/oradata/R815/rbs01.dbf 7680
3 /u02/oradata/R815/oradata/R815/temp01.dbf 5120
4 /u02/oradata/R815/oradata/R815/users01.dbf 67454
5 /u02/oradata/R815/oradata/R815/indx01.dbf 5120
2) Run dbv against any files you want to check:
$ dbv file=/u02/oradata/R815/oradata/R815/users01.dbf blocksize=2048 logfile=users01_dbv.log feedback=100
DBVERIFY: Release - Production on Tue Mar 21 15:05:35 2000
(c) Copyright 1999 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
$ cat users01_dbv.log
DBVERIFY: Release - Production on Tue Mar 21 15:05:35 2000
(c) Copyright 1999 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
DBVERIFY - Verification starting : FILE = /u02/oradata/R815/oradata/R815/users01.dbf
DBVERIFY - Verification complete
Total Pages Examined : 67454
Total Pages Processed (Data) : 29310
Total Pages Failing (Data) : 0
Total Pages Processed (Index): 3425
Total Pages Failing (Other): 294
Total Pages Empty : 34425
Total Pages Marked Corrupt : 0
Total Pages Influx : 0
今天從oracle support上檢視了一篇文章,關於使用 dbv來驗證資料檔案的,感覺和rman validate database, validate datafile file_number具有相似的功能。
DBVERIFY - Database file Verification Utility (7.3.2 - 11.2) (Doc ID 35512.1)
This article describes the basic details of the DBVERIFY (or DBV)
utility which can be used to check Oracle datafiles for signs of
corruption. The article gives summary details of how to use
DBV and gives an indication of what output to expect, along with
notes on how to interpret the output. There is also an example at the
end of the article.
The DBV utility is supplied with Oracle7 release 7.3.2 onwards and
with all Oracle8 / 8i releases.
DBV can be used against data files from earlier Oracle releases
but it must be executed from the ORACLE_HOME environment in which it
is installed - you CANNOT just copy the executable about.
Eg: DBVERIFY 7.3 can check Oracle 7.1 data files provided it is run
from the 7.3 $ORACLE_HOME
DBV checks Oracle datafiles to ensure that:
- The datafile has a valid header
- Each datablock in the file has a special "wrapper" which identifies
the block - this "wrapper" is checked for correctness
- DATA (TABLE) and INDEX blocks are internally consistent
- From 8.1.6 onwards: That various other block types are internally
consistent (such as rollback segment blocks)
The tool can be used to give some degree of confidence that a
datafile is free from corruption. It opens files in a read only mode
and so cannot change the contents of the file being checked.
DBV can be run against datafiles which are currently opened by a
database instance - there is no need to shutdown the database.
Datafiles are opened read-only by DBV so it cannot corrupt
the contents. There was a bug on 8.0.4 where DBV could not be used
on opened datafiles on Windows NT but that bug was fixed on 8.1.6.
Any release: dbv FILE=filename [options]
Windows NT:
7.3: DBVERF73 FILE=filename [options]
8.0: DBVERF80 FILE=filename [options]
8.1: DBV FILE=filename [options]
In versions less than 9.2.0 DBV cannot be used on VMS systems against files which are currently
opened by an instance.
Any release: DBV FILE=filename [options]
7.3: Does not exist
8.0/8.1: DBV FILE=/DSN/filename
Keyword Description Meaning
--------- ------------------ -----------------
FILE File to Verify This is the name of the file to verify.
See "Limitations" below if your datafile
name has no suffix.
START Start Block This is the first datablock to check in
the file. This defaults to the first
block in the file and need only be
specified if you want to check just
a portion of a given file.
END End Block This is the last datablock to check in the
file. This defaults to the last block of
the file but may need specifying for RAW
devices (See "Limitations" below)
BLOCKSIZE Logical Block Size This is the database block size of the
datafile you wish to scan. The value
defaults to "2048".
This parameter must be set to the
DB_BLOCK_SIZE of the datafile to be
LOGFILE Output Log This is the name of file to output the
results to. The default is "NONE" and
output is sent to terminal.
FEEDBACK Display Progress If set to a value above 0 (the default)
then DBV outputs a "." for every N pages
of the datafile checked. This is useful
to see that DBV is working through the
PARFILE Parameter file Parameters can be specified in a
parameter file and PARFILE used to cause
the file contents to be used as input
parameters. The PARFILE can contain any
of the above options.
HIGH_SCN Scn Highest Block SCN To Verify
(scn_wrap.scn_base OR scn)
Find the blocks exceeding the SCN.
Available in version and above.
USERID Username/Password If the file you are verifying is an
Automatic Storage Management (ASM) file,
you must supply a USERID. This is because
DBVERIFY needs to connect to an Oracle
instance to access ASM files.
SEGMENT_ID TS#.FILE#.BLOCK# Specifies the segment that you want to verify.
For more info, review Note:139962.1
For help on command line parameters in a given version type
"dbv help=y" at the command line.
Limitations and Special Notes
- As DBV performs checks at a block level it cannot detect problems
such as INDEX versus TABLE mismatches which can be detected by the
- This utility can ONLY be used against DATA files.
It CANNOT be used to verify redo log files or control files.
- You can use DBV to verify an Automatic Storage Management (ASM) file.
However, the database must be opened and the option USERID has to be used
Example : dbv file=+DG1/ORCL/datafile/system01.dbf userid=system/sys
DBV checks the userid/password for ASM managed files, which is not possible when database is not open.
- On most releases on Unix DBV expects a filename extension.
This means that DBV cannot be used against datafiles with no
filename suffix, or against RAW devices.
The workaround is to create a symbolic link to the raw device where
the link name MUST have an extension.
Eg: ln -s /dev/rdsk/mydevice /tmp/mydevice.dbf
Now use DBV against /tmp/mydevice.dbf
- For RAW devices you should use the END parameter to avoid running
off the end of the Oracle file space.
eg: "dbv FILE=/dev/rdsk/r1.dbf END=
If you get the END value too high DBV can report the last page/s of the
file as corrupt as these are beyond the end of the Oracle portion of
the raw device.
You can find value for END from the V$DATAFILE view by dividing the
BYTES value by the database block size.
Eg: To find out the END value to use for file#=5:
SVRMGRL> show parameter db_block_size
----------------------------------- ------- ------
db_block_size integer 2048
SVRMGRL> select BYTES/2048 from v$datafile where FILE#=5;
So the command would be:
dbv file=/dev/rdsk/r1.dbf blocksize=2048 END=5120
- DBV may not be able to scan datafiles larger than 2Gb and
may report "DBV-100". This is reported in Bug:710888 for Unix and
Bug:1372172 for 8.1.6 on NT. This problem is platform and release
specific so if you get DBV-100 errors check the filesize first.
- DBV from 8.1.6 onwards may report spurious errors for rollback segment
blocks if the database has been migrated from Oracle7. See Bug:1359160
and Note:118008.1.
- DBV only checks a block in isolation - it does not know if the block
is part of an existing object or not.
- DBV is broken on SCO Unix - see Bug:814249
- DBV of a lower version should not be used against a higher DB version.
Example Output
$ dbv file=users01.dbf blocksize=2048
DBVERIFY - Verification starting : FILE = users01.dbf
kdbchk: a row ends in the middle of another
tab=0 slot=1 begin=0x7a0 len=0x14
Page 3 failed with check code 5
Page 10 is marked software corrupt
Page 12 is marked software corrupt
DBVERIFY - Verification complete
Total Pages Examined : 512
Total Pages Processed (Data) : 1
Total Pages Failing (Data) : 1
Total Pages Processed (Index): 0
Total Pages Failing (Index): 0
Total Pages Empty : 507
Total Pages Marked Corrupt : 2
Total Pages Influx : 0
If the utility reports any pages to be 'Marked Corrupt' or 'Failing' then
re-run the command to see if the problem is transient or not. If there
are still corruptions reported then contact your local support centre
for advice.
Interpreting the Output
If any pages report an error then contact Oracle support with the output.
This section gives a brief overview of the meaning of the main output
lines from the above output.
"Page N failed with check code Y" errors
This implies the block wrapper is correct but the content of the block
failed one of the many internal consistency checks.
The "Page" number in the output is the database block number within the
eg: kdbchk: a row ends in the middle of another
tab=0 slot=1 begin=0x7a0 len=0x14
Page 3 failed with check code 5
This sort of corruption on a block is most likely to cause one of the
following problems when accessed:
- ORA-600 errors
- Core dump (ORA-7445)
- Corrupt data to be returned
If block checking is enabled on the database then an update to the
block may mark the block as corrupt (ORA-1578) or may just crash
the session.
"Page N is marked software corrupt" or
"Page N is marked media corrupt" or
"Page N is marked corrupt"
This means the block wrapper is incorrect.
Oracle7 does not dump any additional information so the form of the
corruption is difficult to tell just from DBV. Oracle8 dumps details
of the cache wrapper.
The "Page" number in the output is the database block number within the
eg: Page 10 is marked corrupt
Corrupt block relative dba: 0x04c0000a file=0. blocknum=10.
Bad header found during dbv:
Data in bad block - type:6. format:2. rdba:0x04c000ff
last change scn:0x056c.ce87bf25 seq:0x1 flg:0x00
consistency value in tail 0xbf250601
check value in block header: 0x0, check value not calculated
spare1:0x0, spare2:0x0, spare2:0x0
This sort of corruption on a block will show up as an ORA-1578
when the block is accessed.
"Block Checking: DBA = 67108867, Block Type = Undo data block"
This form of error can be reported by DBV from 8.1.6 onwards if it
sees corrupt rollback segment blocks. If the database has been
migrated from Oracle7 then these errors may be spurious if DBV
sees an Oracle7 format rollback segment block.
See Bug:1359160 and Note:118008.1 for more details.
If this is a real problem (and not due to an Oracle7 to 8 migration
as described above) then this sort of corruption is most likely to
cause one of the following problems when accessed:
- ORA-600 errors
- Core dump (ORA-7445)
- Corrupt data
Summary lines
When DBV completes it outputs a summary of the form below:
Output text Meaning
~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
Total Pages Examined : 512 Number of blocks looked at
Total Pages Processed (Data) : 1 Number of TABLE blocks seen
Total Pages Failing (Data) : 1 Number of TABLE blocks with
internal inconsistencies
Total Pages Processed (Index): 0 Number of INDEX blocks seen
Total Pages Failing (Index): 0 Number of INDEX block with
internal inconsistencies
Total Pages Empty : 507 Number of unused blocks seen
Total Pages Marked Corrupt : 2 Number of blocks with corrupt
cache wrappers
Total Pages Influx : 0 Number of pages we re-read
as the page looked like it
was being modified when it
was first read.
What to do if DBV shows problems on a file
If DBV reports any pages as 'Marked Corrupt' or 'Failing' then it is
advisable to re-run the command to see if the problem is transient or not.
Continual transient problems are often caused by a faulty disk controller
and to the first step should be the check the disk subsystem.
If DBV consistently reports errors in the same location then the file
contains corrupt block/s:
If there are very many errors it usually best to assume the
file is bad and look for backups of the file which could be recovered.
If there are only a few bad blocks then you need to note down:
- The filename
- The absolute file number of this file
( Use "SELECT file#, name FROM V$DATAFILE;" to find this )
- The block number of the bad block/s
( This is the same as the "Page" number in the DBV output )
- The type of error on the block
If the block would signal an ORA-1578 error in Oracle
there are more options to get around the corruption but
the content of the block is lost. If the block is
internally inconsistent there are less options to get
around the corruption but some rows in the block may
be accessible.
Once you know the above details see Note:28814.1 which describes
how to determine which object is corrupt and what you can do about
it. Use the absolute FILE# for
that article. Note that it is quite possible that the corrupt block
does not belong to any current object in which case the corruption
can be ignored.
*** IMPORTANT *** If the file you have DBVed is from a backup
then you cannot use the current data dictionary
to determine which object/s have a problem as
the block may have been reused by a different
object. (eg: Original table dropped)
1) Log into svrmgrl to find out block size for your databae and datafile
locations and names:
$ svrmgrl
Oracle Server Manager Release - Production
(c) Copyright 1997, Oracle Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Oracle8i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning and Java options
PL/SQL Release - Production
SVRMGR> connect internal
SVRMGR> show parameter db_block_size
----------------------------------- ------- -----------------------
db_block_size integer 2048
SVRMGR> select file#,name,bytes/2048 from v$datafile;
----- --------------------------------------- ----------
1 /u02/oradata/R815/oradata/R815/system01.dbf 40960
2 /u02/oradata/R815/oradata/R815/rbs01.dbf 7680
3 /u02/oradata/R815/oradata/R815/temp01.dbf 5120
4 /u02/oradata/R815/oradata/R815/users01.dbf 67454
5 /u02/oradata/R815/oradata/R815/indx01.dbf 5120
2) Run dbv against any files you want to check:
$ dbv file=/u02/oradata/R815/oradata/R815/users01.dbf blocksize=2048 logfile=users01_dbv.log feedback=100
DBVERIFY: Release - Production on Tue Mar 21 15:05:35 2000
(c) Copyright 1999 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
$ cat users01_dbv.log
DBVERIFY: Release - Production on Tue Mar 21 15:05:35 2000
(c) Copyright 1999 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
DBVERIFY - Verification starting : FILE = /u02/oradata/R815/oradata/R815/users01.dbf
DBVERIFY - Verification complete
Total Pages Examined : 67454
Total Pages Processed (Data) : 29310
Total Pages Failing (Data) : 0
Total Pages Processed (Index): 3425
Total Pages Failing (Other): 294
Total Pages Empty : 34425
Total Pages Marked Corrupt : 0
Total Pages Influx : 0
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- Oracle 資料檔案回收Oracle
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