oracle concepts 目錄重溫學習


This document contains:

Part I: What Is Oracle?

Chapter 1, "Introduction to the Oracle Server"
This chapter provides an overview of the concepts and features you need for
understanding the Oracle data server. You should read this overview before using
the detailed information in the remainder of this manual.

Part II: Database Structures

Chapter 2, "Data Blocks, Extents, and Segments"
This chapter discusses how data is stored and how storage space is allocated for
and consumed by various objects within an Oracle database.

Chapter 3, "Tablespaces, Datafiles, and Control Files"
This chapter discusses how physical storage space in an Oracle database is divided
into logical divisions called tablespaces. It also discusses the physical operating
system files associated with tablespaces (datafiles) and files used in recovery
(control files).

Chapter 4, "The Data Dictionary"
This chapter describes the data dictionary, which is a set of reference tables and
views that contain read-only information about an Oracle database.

Part III: The Oracle Instance

Chapter 5, "Database and Instance Startup and Shutdown"
This chapter describes an Oracle instance and explains how the database
administrator can control the accessibility of an Oracle database system.

Chapter 6, "Application Architecture"
This chapter discusses distributed processing environments in which the Oracle
data server can operate.

Chapter 7, "Memory Architecture"
This chapter describes the memory structures used by an Oracle database system.

Chapter 8, "Process Architecture"
This chapter describes the process architecture of an Oracle instance and the
different process configurations available for Oracle.

Chapter 9, "Database Resource Management"
This chapter describes how the Database Resource Manager can be used to control
resource use.

Part IV: Data

Chapter 10, "Schema Objects"
This chapter describes the database objects that can be created in the domain of a
specific user (a schema), including tables, views, numeric sequences, and
synonyms. Optional structures that make data retrieval more efficient, including
indexes, materialized views, dimensions, and clusters, are also described.

Chapter 11, "Partitioned Tables and Indexes"
This chapter describes how partitioning can be used to split large tables and indexes
into more manageable pieces.

Chapter 12, "Native Datatypes"
This chapter describes the types of relational data that can be stored in an Oracle
database table, such as fixed- and variable-length character strings, numbers, dates,
and binary large objects (BLOBs).

Chapter 13, "Object Datatypes and Object Views"
This chapter gives an overview of the object extensions that Oracle provides.

Part V: Data Access

Chapter 14, "SQL, PL/SQL, and Java"
This chapter briefly describes SQL (Structured Query Language), the language used
to communicate with Oracle, as well as PL/SQL, the Oracle procedural language
extension to SQL. It also discusses the procedural language constructs called
procedures, functions, and packages, which are PL/SQL program units that are
stored in the database.

Chapter 15, "Dependencies Among Schema Objects"
This chapter explains how Oracle manages the dependencies for objects such as
procedures, packages, triggers, and views.

Chapter 16, "Transaction Management"
This chapter defines the concept of transactions and explains the SQL statements
used to control them. Transactions are logical units of work that are run together as
a unit.

Chapter 17, "Triggers"
This chapter discusses triggers, which are procedures written in PL/SQL, Java, or C
that run implicitly whenever a table or view is modified or when some user actions
or database system actions occur.

Part VI: Parallel SQL and Direct-Path INSERT

Chapter 18, "Parallel Execution of SQL Statements"
This chapter describes parallel execution of SQL statements (queries, DML, and
DDL statements) and explains the rules for parallelizing SQL statements.

Chapter 19, "Direct-Path INSERT"
This chapter describes the Oracle direct-path INSERT feature for serial or parallel
inserts, and the NOLOGGING clause.

Part VII: Data Protection

Chapter 20, "Data Concurrency and Consistency"
This chapter explains how Oracle provides concurrent access to and maintains the
accuracy of shared information in a multiuser environment. It describes the
automatic mechanisms that Oracle uses to guarantee that the concurrent operations
of multiple users do not interfere with each other.

Chapter 21, "Data Integrity"
This chapter discusses data integrity and the declarative integrity constraints that
you can use to enforce data integrity.

Chapter 22, "Controlling Database Access"
This chapter describes how to control user access to data and database resources.

Chapter 23, "Privileges, Roles, and Security Policies"
This chapter discusses security at the system and schema object levels.

Chapter 24, "Auditing"
This chapter discusses how the Oracle auditing feature tracks database activity.

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