到底css transition是什麼,我們來看w3c的解釋:
CSS Transitions allow property changes in CSS values to occur smoothly over a specified duration. This smoothing animates the changing of a CSS value when triggered by a mouse click, focus or active state, or any changes to the element (including even a change on the element’s class attribute).
翻譯為中文就是:css transition允許css屬性值的變化在一個時間段內平滑完成,變化的快慢可以有對應的函式來指定。這個平滑展現css值的變化過程可以由很多事件來觸發,比如滑鼠點選,focus,hover等。
a.foo { padding: 5px 10px; background: #9c3; -webkit-transition-property: background; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.3s; -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease; } a.foo:hover { background: #690; }
transition-property: 指定對哪個屬性值的變更來執行對應transition動畫過程;
transition-duration: 這個transition動畫從開始到完成的時間段落
transition-timing-function:指定transition經由時間軸變更的節奏快慢(ease, linear, ease-in, ease-out,ease-in-out, cubic-bezier)
background-color | as color |
background-position | as repeatable list of simple list of length, percentage, or calc |
border-bottom-color | as color |
border-bottom-width | as length |
border-left-color | as color |
border-left-width | as length |
border-right-color | as color |
border-right-width | as length |
border-spacing | as simple list of length |
border-top-color | as color |
border-top-width | as length |
bottom | as length, percentage, or calc |
clip | as rectangle |
color | as color |
font-size | as length |
font-weight | as font weight |
height | as length, percentage, or calc |
left | as length, percentage, or calc |
letter-spacing | as length |
line-height | as either number or length |
margin-bottom | as length |
margin-left | as length |
margin-right | as length |
margin-top | as length |
max-height | as length, percentage, or calc |
max-width | as length, percentage, or calc |
min-height | as length, percentage, or calc |
min-width | as length, percentage, or calc |
opacity | as number |
outline-color | as color |
outline-width | as length |
padding-bottom | as length |
padding-left | as length |
padding-right | as length |
padding-top | as length |
right | as length, percentage, or calc |
text-indent | as length, percentage, or calc |
text-shadow | as shadow list |
top | as length, percentage, or calc |
vertical-align | as length |
visibility | as visibility |
width | as length, percentage, or calc |
word-spacing | as length |
z-index | as integer |
在上面的例子中,我們都是通過在元素class中設定transition屬性,在sudo class中設定變更的屬性值來實現的。有的時候,我們不光需要sudo class能夠實現transition的觸發,有什麼辦法嗎?
/* CSS */ .element { opacity: 0.0; transform: scale(0.95) translate3d(0,100%,0); transition: transform 400ms ease, opacity 400ms ease; } .element.active { opacity: 1.0; transform: scale(1.0) translate3d(0,0,0); } .element.inactive { opacity: 0.0; transform: scale(1) translate3d(0,0,0); } // JS with jQuery var active = function(){ $('.element').removeClass('inactive').addClass('active'); }; var inactive = function(){ $('.element').removeClass('active').addClass('inactive'); };
看上面的程式碼,我們將獲得兩種不同的transitions, 元素當activated的時候slide up,而當deactivated時fade out.所有javascript乾的活兒就是切換了兩個class: active和inactive
hardware acceleration
transition一些屬性,比如left, margin會使得瀏覽器在每一個frame時都重新計算styles,這是非常昂貴的計算,會導致不必要的re-paints,特別是如果在螢幕上有非常多的元素時更是如此。一個可行的方案是使用GPU。
transform: translate3d(0,0,0);