Debian 專案宣佈 Debsources,允許瀏覽和搜尋所有 Debian 發行版軟體包原始碼的 Web 服務,現在是託管在官方Debian基礎設施在。
Debian 稱,該服務之前託管在域名已重定向到, 他們現在將其遷移到 Debian 硬體和基礎設施上,並藉此機會正式宣佈了這一服務。Debsources 內容可通過 HTML 介面和 JSON API 訪問,會定期更新,目前是一天更新四次。
Debsources 被廣泛用來進行各種 Debian 的原始碼研究。
Dear developers, We`re happy to announce that Debsources, the Web application that allows to browse and search the entire source code of all Debian releases, is now hosted on the official Debian infrastructure and available at You may already know this service as previously hosted at . We took the move to Debian hardware as the opportunity to officially announce it here. Service description =================== Debsources is a web service that exposes the content of Debian source packages on the Web, both via an HTML user interface and a JSON API [0]. To that end, an updater runs regularly (currently 4 times a day) to unpack and index new packages from all the available Debian suites. It also runs various plugins, for example to count lines of code and measure the size of packages; this information is exposed in the interface. [0]: Since all extracted information is stored in a PostgreSQL database, various data warehouse features are available, such as the list of file duplicates for every file, or package name search. More than source code ===================== Worth noting are two "sub-apps" that run on the same infrastructure: * patches [1]: for packages using 3.0 (quilt) package format, the list of patches is extracted and exposed, along with some metadata. * copyright [2]: the copyright files of packages are exposed through this interface, and displayed in a convenient way if they are machine readable. [1]: [2]: Learn more ========== Debsources has been described extensively and used to conduct various studies on the Debian source code. To learn more check out the paper: Matthieu Caneill, Daniel M. Germán, Stefano Zacchiroli. The Debsources Dataset: Two Decades of Free and Open Source Software. In Empirical Software Engineering, Volume 22, pp. 1405-1437, June, 2017 An open access preprint of the paper and additional information about Debsources are available on the Debsources documentation page [3]. [3]: Credits ======= Many credits go to everyone who submitted patches and feedback over the years, thank you! In particular, Stefano Zacchiroli started the project and wrote the updater infrastructure, and Orestis Ioannou developed the patches/ and copyright/ apps. This new instance of the service is hosted by DSA - without whom would not exist. Many thanks to the whole team for their guidance in the d.n -> d.o migration, and in particular to Julien Cristau and Peter Palfrader. The previous instance of Debsources had been hosted by IRILL [4] for more than 4 years, who has also spearheaded the initial development of the service - thanks for the non-interrupted service! [4]: As always, we`re more than happy to hear your feedback; you can contact us at . (See the footer of the Debsources web page for bug report and contribution information.) For the Debsources team, -- Matthieu
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