

A bachelor has to have inspiration for making love to a woman, a married man needs only an excuse. (Helen Rowland) 光棍漢必須得絞盡腦汁才能和女人做愛,已婚男只需想出一個藉口。

What do I know about sex? I'm a married man. (Tom Clancy) 我怎麼知道做愛是咋回事兒?我是已婚男子。

Telling lies is a fault in a boy, an art in a lover, an accomplishment in a bachelor, and second-nature in a married man. (Helen Rowland) 撒謊是男孩的錯誤,情人的藝術,光棍的成就,已婚男人的第二天性。

No married man is genuinely happy if he has to drink worse whisky than he used to drink when he was single. (Henry Louis Mencken) 結婚的男人是不會真正幸福的,如果他結婚後喝的威士忌不得不比單身時常喝的威士忌差的話。

Men marry because they are tired, women because they are curious; both are disappointed. (Oscar Wilde) 男人結婚,因為他們已經疲倦了;女人結婚,因為她們感到好奇了,結果兩人都大失所望。

Women marry men hoping they will change. Men marry women hoping they will not. So each is inevitably disappointed. (Albert Einstein) 女人嫁給男人,希望他們會所有改變。男人娶個女人,希望她們會永遠不變。所以雙方必然會失望的。

Nowadays, all the married men live like bachelors, and all the bachelors like married men. (Oscar Wilde) 如今,所有的已婚男人過得像一個單身漢,而所有的單身漢過得像已婚男人。

A man who marries a woman to educate her falls victim to the same fallacy as the woman who marries a man to reform him. (Elbert Hubbard) 一個娶了女人想教育她的男人,和一個嫁給男人想改造他的女人都淪為同一個謬誤的犧牲品。

I don't worry about terrorism. I was married for two years. (Sam Kinison) 我可不擔心什麼恐怖主義,我都結婚兩年了。

After marriage, husband and wife become two sides of a coin; they just can't face each other, but still they stay together. (Hemant Joshi) 結婚之後,老公和老婆就成為一枚硬幣的兩面;他們就是沒法面對自己的另一半,卻仍然待在一起。

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