在Oracle10g上,透過v$session檢視就能找到瓶頸session,而Oracle9i中,除了v$session 還需要查詢v$session_wait檢視,具體如下:
在oracle 9i
select event, count(*) sessions from v$session_wait
where state='WAITING'
and Event not like '%SQL*Net%'
and USERNAME is not null
group by event
order by 2 desc;
select SW.Sid, S.Username, SW.Event, SW.Wait_Time,
SW.State, SW.Seconds_In_Wait SEC_IN_WAIT
where S.Username is not null
and SW.Sid = S.Sid
and SW.Event not like '%SQL*Net%'
order by SW.Wait_Time Desc;
[@more@]在oracle 10g
select event, count(*) sessions from v$session
where state='WAITING'
and event not like '%SQL*Net%'
and USERNAME is not null
group by event
order by 2 desc;
from v$session
where s.USERNAME is not null
and s.EVENT not like '%SQL*Net%'
order by s.SECONDS_IN_WAIT;
知道有問題session後,需要進一步查出導致等待的物件或SQL,在此針對不同evet需要採取不同的處理方法,對db file scattered read和db file sequential read類event,可以採取如下查詢:
select Sid, Event, P1text, P1, P2text, P2, P3text, P3,SQL_ADDRESS,SQL_HASH_VALUE
where event not like '%SQL%'
and Event not like '%rdbms%';
and Sid between &sid1 and &sid2
select Owner, Segment_Name, Segment_Type, Tablespace_Name
where File_Id = &FileId_In
and &BlockId_In between Block_Id and Block_Id + Blocks - 1;
select sql_id,child_number,sql_text,sql_fulltext from v$sql
where hash_value=&hv
and address=&addr
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor('sql_id'));
SQL> select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor('9dy3zmd40w004'));
db file scattered readThe db file scattered read event is posted by the session when it issues an I/O request to read multiple data blocks. The blocks read from the datafiles are scattered into the buffer cache. These blocks need not remain contiguous in the buffer cache. The event typically occurs during full table scans or index fast full scans. The initialization parameter, DB_FILE_MULTIBLOCK_READ_COUNT determines the maximum number of data blocks to read.
Waiting on datafile I/O completion is normal in any Oracle database. The presence of this wait event does not necessarily indicate a performance problem. However, if the time spent waiting for multiblock reads is significant compared to other waits, you must investigate the reason for it.
Wait Parameters
Wait parameters for db file scattered read are described here:
• P1 File number to read the blocks from
• P2 Starting block number to begin reading
• P3 Number of blocks to read
Wait Time
No timeouts. The session waits until all of the I/Os are completed to read specified number of blocks.
db file sequential readThe db file sequential read wait event occurs when the process waits for an I/O completion for a sequential read. The name is a bit misleading, suggesting a multiblock operation, but this is a single block read operation. The event gets posted when reading from an index, rollback or undo segments, table access by rowid, rebuilding control files, dumping datafile headers, or the datafile headers.
Waiting on datafile I/O completion is normal in any Oracle Database. The presence of this wait event does not necessarily indicate a performance problem. However, if the time spent waiting for single block reads is significant compared to other waits, you must investigate the reason for it.
Wait Parameters
No timeouts. Wait parameters for db file sequential read are described here:
• P1 File number to read the data block from
• P2 Starting block number to read
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/18841027/viewspace-1058765/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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