Taught Oracle database OCP training course
I taught two days Oracle database OCP training courses last weekend with good performance my students told me that. The Oracle database training is a practical course for learner to do a lot of scenerios and understand the theory of Oracle database, so do not make your goal with obtaining the OCP certificate only. It's very important for you to get not only experience on how to manage and maintain Oracle database, but also learn Oracle from Oracle, because Oracle database has huge places for you to learn and research.
[@more@]But some students think that the only reason they come to training center is to get the OCP certificate, this thought is pretty wrong and they don't realize what does the enterprise want.
Anyway,having an IT certificate is better than nothing, probably it's right.
And I found that the URL of Oracle OCM webpage has changed recently and the following webpage is mine:
but I missed the original URL of mine which is cool:
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/38542/viewspace-1047526/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
- Oracle OCP(35):Database 安裝OracleDatabase
- Oracle OCP(38):Database 物理結構OracleDatabase
- Oracle OCP(37):Database 體系結構OracleDatabase
- Oracle OCP(39):Database 記憶體結構OracleDatabase記憶體
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- Oracle clone databaseOracleDatabase
- Oracle OCP(23):序列Oracle
- Oracle OCP(29):PROFILEOracle
- Oracle OCP(54):EXPOracle
- Oracle OCP(54):IMPOracle
- Oracle OCP(57):IMPDPOracle
- Oracle OCP(44):LSNRCTLOracle
- Oracle OCP(28):USEROracle
- Oracle OCP(25):索引Oracle索引
- Oracle OCP(30):ROLEOracle
- Oracle Database Cloud - Database as a Service Quick StartOracleDatabaseCloudUI
- Oracle Database Scheduler整理OracleDatabase
- Oracle Physical Database LimitsOracleDatabaseMIT
- Oracle OCP(33):官方文件Oracle
- Oracle OCP(20):建立表Oracle
- Oracle OCP(21):管理表Oracle
- Oracle OCP(12):ROLLUP & CUBEOracle
- Oracle OCP(48):UNDO TABLESPACEOracle
- Oracle OCP(58):ARCHIVELOG 管理OracleHive
- Oracle OCP(24):檢視Oracle
- Oracle OCP(26):其它ObjectOracleObject
- Oracle OCP(32):SUPPORT:MOSOracle
- Oracle OCP(36):DBCA建庫Oracle
- Oracle OCP(04):聚合函式Oracle函式
- Oracle OCP(43):listener.oraOracle
- Oracle OCP(40):程式結構Oracle
- Oracle OCP(18):命名規則Oracle
- Oracle OCP(60):RMAN 備份Oracle
- Oracle OCP(45):sqlnet.oraOracleSQL
- Oracle OCP(45):TNSNAMES.oraOracle
- Oracle OCP(62):熱備份Oracle