db file sequential read及優化
db file sequential read:直接路徑讀;
This event signifies that the user process is reading a buffer into the SGA buffer cache and is waiting for a physical I/O call to return. A sequential read is a single-block read.
Single block I/Os are usually the result of using indexes. Rarely, full table scan calls could get truncated to a single block call because of extent boundaries, or buffers present in the buffer cache. These waits would also show up as db file sequential read.
Check the following V$SESSION_WAIT parameter columns:
?P1: The absolute file number
?P2: The block being read
?P3: The number of blocks (should be 1)
db file sequential read等待事件有3個引數:
?P1: The absolute file number 檔案號
?P2: The block being read first block#
?P3: The number of blocks (should be 1) block數量
db file sequential read等待時間是由於執行對索引,回滾(undo)段,和表(當藉助rowid來訪問),控制檔案和資料檔案頭的單塊讀操作SQL語句(使用者和遞迴)引起的。對於這些物件的物理I/O請求是很正常的,因此db file sequential read等待的存在不是一定意味庫或應用出錯了。如果會話在這事件上花了好長事件,它可能也不是一個糟糕的事情。相反,如果會話花了大量時間在equeue或latch free上,那麼一定是有問題。
問題:AWR報告中的系統的等待事件中的db file sequential read是否合理?
說明:db file sequential read是指sga中找不到相應的資料,所以跟buffer hit有很大的關係,當buffer hit命中率太低了,相應的db file sequential read就會高,一般buffer hit保持著95%以上;
檢視這個報告的db file sequential read的總時間和平均時間;
Foreground Wait Events也會統計db file sequential read所花費的時間和平均時間
根據SQL User I/O等待時間,檢視是否有調優的空間;
db file sequential read的優化方法:
- 從讀取開始,增加SGA中buffer cache的大小,避免每次都從硬碟中去讀數;
- 優化sql語句,減少不必要的塊讀取;
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