[英]《學習響應式設計》作者Clarissa Peterson:響應式設計並不是萬能的(圖靈訪談)


Clarissa Peterson是一位使用者體驗設計師、Web開發者。她是蒙特利爾的一家響應式網站設計諮詢公司Peterson/Kandy的聯合創始人。她曾在美國公共交通聯合會任Web經理,在此期間她對該組織的網站進行了大規模的改革,在此之前,她曾分別在公益組織AARP以及國會圖書館擔任編輯和開發者。Clarissa是一位很受歡迎的演講者,她經常在北美和歐洲舉辦的開發者會議及研討會上發表關於響應式設計、移動策略和使用者體驗方面的演講,在過去的3年中,她一共做過40場演講。Clarissa Peterson著有《學習響應式設計》一書,該書全面介紹了響應式Web設計策略與技術,引領讀者掌握從專案立項到網站上線的響應式設計工作流程。

iTuring: Generally speaking, how does design process of RWD different from regular web design?

In traditional web design, the designer creates a "picture" of the site in Photoshop and the developer reproduces the design using HTML and CSS. But when designing a responsive website, you can't predict how it's going to look at every screen size and on every screen. So the designer and developer need to work together throughout the process to make sure the design looks good on all screen sizes.

iTuring: There are more and more screen sizes coming up these years, how does one decide where to set breakpoints in RWD?

You need to set breakpoints where they make sense in your design, and not try to align them to particular device sizes. Then your site will look good on all devices, not just a few.

iTuring: Some kind of “incomplete” responsive page which consist of separated pages for PC and mobile device still largely exist—at least in China—because of wide adoption of IE6 and unsatisfactory internet speed. Do you think these pages can be called as real responsive web page? Do you think such solution should be encouraged in certain context?

This is not responsive design if you're creating separate pages for different devices. If you don't have the skills to create a responsive design that works in IE6, then it might be the best solution. However, responsive design offers a lot of flexibility, and it's certainly possible to create responsive sites that work in IE6 and have a low page weight to accommodate slow connections.

iTuring: Does responsive design change with the style shifts of operating systems?

Responsive design doesn't depend on the style of operating systems. It may follow current design trends, such as flat design being popular right now, but it isn't required to.

iTuring: How do you compare native apps and responsive web apps on design level? What are their advantages respectively?

Which one you pick depends on what you are designing. There is no one correct solution.

Some of the advantages of responsive web apps:

  • Responsive web apps can be created using HTML/CSS/JavaScript, while native apps require several different programming languages for the different operating systems.
  • You can create one web app that will work on any device, while you have to create separate native apps for iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows, etc.
  • You can update your responsive web app whenever you want, and changes will be pushed to the user immediately, while with native apps you may have to wait for the app store to approve your new version, and then wait for users to update the app.

There are advantages to native apps as well:

  • If you are creating something more complex, you may have more control building it as an app. A native app communicates directly with the operating system, while a web app has to go through the browser.
  • A native app allows you to use device functionality that's not currently available to the browser, such as the camera or push notifications. A native app also allows you to collect money easily, either by selling the app in the app store, or by in-app purchases.

iTuring: Is it true that different companies have to design their own implementation of RWD depending on their technology framework?

Any time a company designs a website, it will need to be customized for their technology framework, whether or not it's responsive.

iTuring: Is there any well designed responsive websites you would like to recommend to us? Why are these websites successfully designed?

So many websites have switched to responsive design, that there are thousands of well designed responsive websites out there. Follow www.twitter.com/rwdwhere links to newly launched, well-designed responsive websites are continually posted.

iTuring: How do you compare between WIX, Squarespace and Wordpress? What are their pros and cons?

I have never used WIX or Squarespace. WordPress is great for responsive design, because there are a lot of responsive themes (even the default theme is responsive) and you can make additional customizations to add more responsiveness to your site.

