openfiler(for linux 32bit)安裝配置小記
3,web訪問方式為: ip:446/
4,依次根據圖形新增物理卷,巻組,邏輯卷,iscsi target,lun mapping,network acl
5,測試中新增iscsi target是灰色的,處理方法:啟動openfiler主機的/etc/init.d/iscsi-target start及編輯vi /etc/ietd.conf
Target ##iscsi target的名稱(固定格式喲)
# Users, who can access this target. The same rules as for discovery
# users apply here.
# Leave them alone if you don't want to use authentication.
IncomingUser backup BACKUP
#OutgoingUser jim 12charpasswd
# Logical Unit definition
# You must define one logical unit at least.
# Block devices, regular files, LVM, and RAID can be offered
# to the initiators as a block device.
Lun 0 Path=/dev/sda,Type=fileio ##新增對應openfiler新新增的iscsi卷
Target ##iscsi target的名稱(固定格式喲)
# Users, who can access this target. The same rules as for discovery
# users apply here.
# Leave them alone if you don't want to use authentication.
IncomingUser backup BACKUP
#OutgoingUser jim 12charpasswd
# Logical Unit definition
# You must define one logical unit at least.
# Block devices, regular files, LVM, and RAID can be offered
# to the initiators as a block device.
Lun 0 Path=/dev/sda,Type=fileio ##新增對應openfiler新新增的iscsi卷
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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