oracle9i(9204)dg(data guard)_ place the standby database in manual recovery mode
To place the standby database in manual recovery mode
- Use SQL*Plus to connect to the standby instance and then start the Oracle instance at the standby database. For example, enter:
- Mount the standby database:
- If log
transport services are not archiving logs automatically to the standby
site, then manually copy the logs to the desired location on the
standby site using an appropriate operating system utility for
transferring binary data. For example, enter:
% cp /oracle/arc_dest/*.arc /standby/arc_dest
- Issue a RECOVER statement to place the standby database in manual recovery mode.
Note:Specify the FROM 'location' option only if the archived log group is not in the location specified by the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter (where n is an integer from 1 to 10) or the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter in the standby initialization parameter file.
For example, execute one of the following statements:
RECOVER STANDBY DATABASE # uses location for logs specified in
# initialization parameter file
RECOVER FROM '/logs' STANDBY DATABASE # specifies nondefault location
As the Oracle database server generates archived redo logs, you must continually copy and apply them to the standby database to keep it current.
When Is Manual Recovery Required?
Manual recovery mode is required in a non-Data Guard environment. A non-Data Guard environment is one in which you manually:
- Transfer the archived redo logs from the primary site to the standby site
- Apply the archived redo logs to the standby database
Even if you implement a Data Guard environment, you might occasionally choose to perform. manual recovery on the standby database. For example, you might choose to manually resolve an existing archive gap by using manual recovery mode
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
- 【DG】Data Guard搭建(physical standby)
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- Oracle 12c DG備庫啟動報錯standby database requires recoveryOracleDatabaseUI
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- 【ASK_ORACLE】Oracle Data Guard(一)DG架構Oracle架構
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- Oracle 19C Data Guard基礎運維-06 PROTECTION MODEOracle運維
- 【DATAGUARD】Data Guard 12C 新特性:Far Sync Standby (Doc ID 2179719.1)
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- 12c DG新特性 - Active Data Guard Far Sync (Doc ID 2179719.1)
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- 3.2.3 Opening a Database in Read-Only ModeDatabase
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- 1 關於 Oracle Data GuardOracle
- 2 Oracle Data Guard 安裝Oracle
- 1 Oracle Data Guard Broker 概念Oracle
- bd_ticket_guard_client_dataclient
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- 使用Data Guard Broker進行Data Guard物理備用庫配置(Oracle 19c)Oracle
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- Oracle RAC+DG 調整redo/standby log fileOracle
- mysql database manual(mysql資料庫手冊)MySqlDatabase資料庫
- 8 Oracle Data Guard Broker 屬性Oracle
- 9 Oracle Data Guard 故障診斷Oracle