

On an Oracle data server system, where there is generally only one application running, the server runs database activity in user space. Activities required to service database requests (such as scheduling, synchronization, I/O, memory management, and process/thread creation and tear down) run in kernel mode. In a system where all CPU is fully utilized, a healthy Oracle system runs between 65% and 95% in user space.

)oracle對系統cpu的利用如果在user cpu(應用程式使用cpu的百分比)的65% ~95%之間,則oralcle system被認為是健康的。


CPU Statistics

CPU utilization is the most important operating system statistic in the tuning process. Get CPU utilization for the entire system and for each individual CPU on multi-processor environments. Utilization for each CPU can detect single-threading and scalability issues.

Most operating systems report CPU usage as time spent in user space or mode and time spent in kernel space or mode. These additional statistics allow better analysis of what is actually being executed on the CPU.

On an Oracle data server system, where there is generally only one application running, the server runs database activity in user space. Activities required to service database requests (such as scheduling, synchronization, I/O, memory management, and process/thread creation and tear down) run in kernel mode. In a system where all CPU is fully utilized, a healthy Oracle system runs between 65% and 95% in user space.


On UNIX systems, where wait for I/O is derived for part of the CPU statistics, this value should be treated as idle time.

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