Flash MP3 Player
Flash MP 3 player is free script which can easily be embedded into the desired section of your web page. Its customization design lets you blend it into your website to give a better look.
WP Audio Player
WPaudio is a WordPress plugin developed to run MP 3, efficiently. This player can be of great importance to those, who does not prefer to have flash incorporated in their websites. This plugin can also be used in websites that are not using the WordPress.
Dew Player is light flash player that does not make your website takes time to load. The player initially downloads the audio file and then plays it on the site. It comes in variety of sizes, thus, you can integrate it according to your wish.
Website Music Player
Website Music Player is a designed-in-flash and works by placing a short code into the web page. MP 3 files are needed to be placed in the MP 3 folder to let the player automatically update the playlist.
Silverlight Audio Player
Silverlight Audio Player comes in two styles. This simple player is used to play one or more audio files.
Macromedia Flash MP3 Music Player
This is one of the widely used music player. It can play up to 25 tracks continuously. The music player is updated via a dynamic control file.
AudioPlay is a one button Freeware MP 3 player based on Flash technology. Simply upload AudioPlay and music file to your web page account. The player can be fully customized to give an identical feel with the layout of your website.
1 Bit Audio Player
1 Bit Audio Player is an adobe flash MP 3 player with automatic JavaScript insertion. The player can be easily installed as a WordPress plugin or used stand-alone in any website.
Streaming MP3 Player with drop down playlist
An XML driven streaming MP 3 Player with drop down playlist.
Decent player
Decent Player works with XML support. The URL of the audio files can be placed in the XML file, which is used in playing the song.
FlashJukebox v3.0
V3 of FlashJukebox has the possibility to have more than one playlist. These playlist will be shown in the menu on the left.
MP3 Player Pro
Comes with multi-skins. Unlimited playlist capability and streams your external MP 3 track.
2 Mode MP3 Player
Cool Aqua Style Mp 3 Player with Normal And Lite Display Mode.
RV Compact MP3 Player – Sound Spectrum
RV Compact MP 3 Player is a minimal simple compact MP 3 player with nice design, rich features and powerful built in sound spectrum visualization. The player provides a wide range of customization especially the sound spectrum.
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