Swoole 原始碼分析——Server模組之ReactorThread事件迴圈(下)


swPort_onRead_check_eof EOF 自動分包

  • 我們前面說過,swPort_onRead_raw 是最簡單的向 worker 程式傳送資料包的方法,swoole 會將從客戶端接受到的資料包,立刻傳送給 worker 程式,使用者自己把資料包拼接起來
  • 如果啟用了 EOF 自動分包,那麼 swoole 會檢測 EOF 符號,拼接完畢資料之後再向 worker 傳送資料
  • swProtocol_recv_check_eof 用於檢測 EOF 符號,如果沒有檢測到資料就儲存到 buffer
static int swPort_onRead_check_eof(swReactor *reactor, swListenPort *port, swEvent *event)
    swConnection *conn = event->socket;
    swProtocol *protocol = &port->protocol;
    swServer *serv = reactor->ptr;

    swString *buffer = swServer_get_buffer(serv, event->fd);
    if (!buffer)
        return SW_ERR;

    if (swProtocol_recv_check_eof(protocol, conn, buffer) < 0)
        swReactorThread_onClose(reactor, event);

    return SW_OK;

static sw_inline swString *swServer_get_buffer(swServer *serv, int fd)
    swString *buffer = serv->connection_list[fd].recv_buffer;
    if (buffer == NULL)
        buffer = swString_new(SW_BUFFER_SIZE_STD);
        //alloc memory failed.
        if (!buffer)
            return NULL;
        serv->connection_list[fd].recv_buffer = buffer;
    return buffer;

swProtocol_recv_check_eof 檢測 EOF

  • 首先需要呼叫 swConnection_recv 函式接受客戶端發來的資料,如果發生錯誤返回 SW_OK,等待 socket 讀就緒重新讀取;如果錯誤是 SW_CLOSE,那麼就要返回 SW_ERR,然後讓 swPort_onRead_check_eof 函式呼叫 swReactorThread_onClose 函式。
  • EOF 自動分包也有兩種方式,分別是 open_eof_checkopen_eof_splitopen_eof_check 只檢查接收資料的末尾是否為 EOF,因此它的效能最好,幾乎沒有消耗,但是無法解決多個資料包合併的問題,比如同時傳送兩條帶有 EOF 的資料,底層可能會一次全部返回;open_eof_split 會從左到右對資料進行逐位元組對比,查詢資料中的 EOF 進行分包,效能較差。但是每次只會返回一個資料包
  • 如果採用 open_eof_check,那麼只需要簡單的 memcmp 對比資料包的最後字元即可,如果符合條件就會呼叫 protocol->onPackage 函式,也就是 swReactorThread_dispatch
  • 如果採用的是 open_eof_split 就會比較麻煩,需要呼叫 swProtocol_split_package_by_eof 逐個去找 EOF
  • 如果超過了 protocol->package_max_length 大小,那麼說明一直沒有傳送成功,就會返回錯誤,結束當前連線
  • 如果緩衝區不足,那麼就將緩衝區擴容到 protocol->package_max_length,繼續接受資料
int swProtocol_recv_check_eof(swProtocol *protocol, swConnection *conn, swString *buffer)
    int recv_again = SW_FALSE;
    int buf_size;

    recv_data: buf_size = buffer->size - buffer->length;
    char *buf_ptr = buffer->str + buffer->length;

    if (buf_size > SW_BUFFER_SIZE_STD)
        buf_size = SW_BUFFER_SIZE_STD;

    int n = swConnection_recv(conn, buf_ptr, buf_size, 0);
    if (n < 0)
        switch (swConnection_error(errno))
        case SW_ERROR:
            swSysError("recv from socket#%d failed.", conn->fd);
            return SW_OK;
        case SW_CLOSE:
            conn->close_errno = errno;
            return SW_ERR;
            return SW_OK;
    else if (n == 0)
        return SW_ERR;
        buffer->length += n;

        if (buffer->length < protocol->package_eof_len)
            return SW_OK;

        if (protocol->split_by_eof)
            if (swProtocol_split_package_by_eof(protocol, conn, buffer) == 0)
                return SW_OK;
                recv_again = SW_TRUE;
        else if (memcmp(buffer->str + buffer->length - protocol->package_eof_len, protocol->package_eof, protocol->package_eof_len) == 0)
            if (protocol->onPackage(conn, buffer->str, buffer->length) < 0)
                return SW_ERR;
            if (conn->removed)
                return SW_OK;
            return SW_OK;

        //over max length, will discard
        if (buffer->length == protocol->package_max_length)
            swWarn("Package is too big. package_length=%d", (int )buffer->length);
            return SW_ERR;

        //buffer is full, may have not read data
        if (buffer->length == buffer->size)
            recv_again = SW_TRUE;
            if (buffer->size < protocol->package_max_length)
                uint32_t extend_size = swoole_size_align(buffer->size * 2, SwooleG.pagesize);
                if (extend_size > protocol->package_max_length)
                    extend_size = protocol->package_max_length;
                if (swString_extend(buffer, extend_size) < 0)
                    return SW_ERR;
        //no eof
        if (recv_again)
            goto recv_data;
    return SW_OK;

swProtocol_split_package_by_eof 尋找 EOF

  • 如果當前快取中資料連 package_eof_len 也就是 EOF 的長度都不夠,那麼就直接返回,繼續接受資料
  • 根據 package_eof 來查詢第一個 EOF 的位置,如果沒有找到 EOF,那麼遞增 buffer->offset,返回繼續接受資料
  • 找到了 EOF 之後,就要呼叫 protocol->onPackage 函式,傳送給 worker 程式
  • 接著就要從剩餘的資料裡面迴圈不斷尋找 EOF,呼叫 protocol->onPackage 函式
static sw_inline int swProtocol_split_package_by_eof(swProtocol *protocol, swConnection *conn, swString *buffer)
    static int count;

    int eof_pos;
    if (buffer->length - buffer->offset < protocol->package_eof_len)
        eof_pos = -1;
        eof_pos = swoole_strnpos(buffer->str + buffer->offset, buffer->length - buffer->offset, protocol->package_eof, protocol->package_eof_len);

    swTraceLog(SW_TRACE_EOF_PROTOCOL, "#[0] count=%d, length=%ld, size=%ld, offset=%ld.", count, buffer->length, buffer->size, (long)buffer->offset);

    //waiting for more data
    if (eof_pos < 0)
        buffer->offset = buffer->length - protocol->package_eof_len;
        return buffer->length;

    uint32_t length = buffer->offset + eof_pos + protocol->package_eof_len;
    swTraceLog(SW_TRACE_EOF_PROTOCOL, "#[4] count=%d, length=%d", count, length);
    if (protocol->onPackage(conn, buffer->str, length) < 0)
        return SW_ERR;
    if (conn->removed)
        return SW_OK;

    //there are remaining data
    if (length < buffer->length)
        uint32_t remaining_length = buffer->length - length;
        char *remaining_data = buffer->str + length;
        swTraceLog(SW_TRACE_EOF_PROTOCOL, "#[5] count=%d, remaining_length=%d", count, remaining_length);

        while (1)
            if (remaining_length < protocol->package_eof_len)
                goto wait_more_data;
            eof_pos = swoole_strnpos(remaining_data, remaining_length, protocol->package_eof, protocol->package_eof_len);
            if (eof_pos < 0)
                swTraceLog(SW_TRACE_EOF_PROTOCOL, "#[1] count=%d, remaining_length=%d, length=%d", count, remaining_length, length);
                memmove(buffer->str, remaining_data, remaining_length);
                buffer->length = remaining_length;
                buffer->offset = 0;
                return SW_OK;
                length = eof_pos + protocol->package_eof_len;
                if (protocol->onPackage(conn, remaining_data, length) < 0)
                    return SW_ERR;
                if (conn->removed)
                    return SW_OK;
                swTraceLog(SW_TRACE_EOF_PROTOCOL, "#[2] count=%d, remaining_length=%d, length=%d", count, remaining_length, length);
                remaining_data += length;
                remaining_length -= length;
    swTraceLog(SW_TRACE_EOF_PROTOCOL, "#[3] length=%ld, size=%ld, offset=%ld", buffer->length, buffer->size, (long)buffer->offset);
    return SW_OK;

swPort_onRead_check_length 包長檢測

  • 類似地本函式也是呼叫 swProtocol_recv_check_length 來進行包長檢測
static int swPort_onRead_check_length(swReactor *reactor, swListenPort *port, swEvent *event)
    swServer *serv = reactor->ptr;
    swConnection *conn = event->socket;
    swProtocol *protocol = &port->protocol;

    swString *buffer = swServer_get_buffer(serv, event->fd);
    if (!buffer)
        return SW_ERR;

    if (swProtocol_recv_check_length(protocol, conn, buffer) < 0)
        swTrace("Close Event.FD=%d|From=%d", event->fd, event->from_id);
        swReactorThread_onClose(reactor, event);

    return SW_OK;

swProtocol_recv_check_length 函式

  • 進行包長檢測的時候,每次讀取資料之前都要先讀取 header,從 header 中獲取到資料包的大小後,再去讀取真正的資料
  • 當我們不知道包長大小的時候,buffer->offset 為 0,此時需要讀取 length 大小,但是這個資料位於 headerprotocol->package_length_offset 位置,假設 length 位於 header 的第 8 個位元組;length 自身資料大小為 protocol->package_length_size,例如 int_32 型別,這個值就是 4,因此我們需要先讀取 12 個位元組,這 12 個位元組的最後 4 個位元組就是 length 的值,也就是包長。
  • 將資料拿到後(此時 recv_wait 為 0),呼叫 protocol->get_package_length 就可以獲取 length 的值,根據 buffer->offset 的值為包長值,

    • 如果此時 buffer->length 已接收的資料大於這個包長,那麼就呼叫 onPackage 傳送給 worker 程式
    • 如果此時已接收的資料不足,那麼 recv_size 就是剩餘需要接受的資料大小,此時 recv_wait 為 1,繼續接受資料

      • 如果接受到的資料已經大於包長,那麼就呼叫 onPackage 傳送。之後如果仍然有剩餘未傳送的資料,那麼就 do_get_length;如果已經沒有剩餘資料了,繼續去取下一個資料包。
      • 如果資料還是不夠,那麼就返回,等待讀就緒事件
int swProtocol_recv_check_length(swProtocol *protocol, swConnection *conn, swString *buffer)
    int package_length;
    uint32_t recv_size;
    char swap[SW_BUFFER_SIZE_STD];

    if (conn->skip_recv)
        conn->skip_recv = 0;
        goto do_get_length;

    if (conn->active == 0)
        return SW_OK;
    if (buffer->offset > 0)
        recv_size = buffer->offset - buffer->length;
        recv_size = protocol->package_length_offset + protocol->package_length_size;

    int n = swConnection_recv(conn, buffer->str + buffer->length, recv_size, 0);
    if (n < 0)
        switch (swConnection_error(errno))
        case SW_ERROR:
            swSysError("recv(%d, %d) failed.", conn->fd, recv_size);
            return SW_OK;
        case SW_CLOSE:
            conn->close_errno = errno;
            return SW_ERR;
            return SW_OK;
    else if (n == 0)
        return SW_ERR;
        buffer->length += n;

        if (conn->recv_wait)
            if (buffer->length >= buffer->offset)
                if (protocol->onPackage(conn, buffer->str, buffer->offset) < 0)
                    return SW_ERR;
                if (conn->removed)
                    return SW_OK;
                conn->recv_wait = 0;

                int remaining_length = buffer->length - buffer->offset;
                if (remaining_length > 0)
                    assert(remaining_length < sizeof(swap));
                    memcpy(swap, buffer->str + buffer->offset, remaining_length);
                    memcpy(buffer->str, swap, remaining_length);
                    buffer->offset = 0;
                    buffer->length = remaining_length;
                    goto do_get_length;
                    goto do_recv;
                return SW_OK;
            do_get_length: package_length = protocol->get_package_length(protocol, conn, buffer->str, buffer->length);
            //invalid package, close connection.
            if (package_length < 0)
                return SW_ERR;
            //no length
            else if (package_length == 0)
                return SW_OK;
            else if (package_length > protocol->package_max_length)
                swWarn("package is too big, remote_addr=%s:%d, length=%d.", swConnection_get_ip(conn), swConnection_get_port(conn), package_length);
                return SW_ERR;
            //get length success
                if (buffer->size < package_length)
                    if (swString_extend(buffer, package_length) < 0)
                        return SW_ERR;
                conn->recv_wait = 1;
                buffer->offset = package_length;

                if (buffer->length >= package_length)
                    goto do_dispatch;
                    goto do_recv;
    return SW_OK;

swProtocol_get_package_length 獲取包長

本函式邏輯很簡單,如果長度連 length 都不夠,那麼包長資訊並不在 data 中,直接返回繼續接受資料。拿到 length 後,要用 swoole_unpack 函式轉化為相應的型別即可得到包長值。

int swProtocol_get_package_length(swProtocol *protocol, swConnection *conn, char *data, uint32_t size)
    uint16_t length_offset = protocol->package_length_offset;
    int32_t body_length;
     * no have length field, wait more data
    if (size < length_offset + protocol->package_length_size)
        return 0;
    body_length = swoole_unpack(protocol->package_length_type, data + length_offset);
    //Length error
    //Protocol length is not legitimate, out of bounds or exceed the allocated length
    if (body_length < 0)
        swWarn("invalid package, remote_addr=%s:%d, length=%d, size=%d.", swConnection_get_ip(conn), swConnection_get_port(conn), body_length, size);
        return SW_ERR;
    //total package length
    return protocol->package_body_offset + body_length;

static sw_inline int32_t swoole_unpack(char type, void *data)
    case `c`:
        return *((int8_t *) data);
    case `C`:
        return *((uint8_t *) data);
     * signed short (always 16 bit, machine byte order)
    case `s`:
        return *((int16_t *) data);
     * unsigned short (always 16 bit, machine byte order)
    case `S`:
        return *((uint16_t *) data);
     * unsigned short (always 16 bit, big endian byte order)
    case `n`:
        return ntohs(*((uint16_t *) data));
     * unsigned short (always 32 bit, little endian byte order)
    case `v`:
        return swoole_swap_endian16(ntohs(*((uint16_t *) data)));

     * unsigned long (always 32 bit, machine byte order)
    case `L`:
        return *((uint32_t *) data);
     * signed long (always 32 bit, machine byte order)
    case `l`:
        return *((int *) data);
     * unsigned long (always 32 bit, big endian byte order)
    case `N`:
        return ntohl(*((uint32_t *) data));
     * unsigned short (always 32 bit, little endian byte order)
    case `V`:
        return swoole_swap_endian32(ntohl(*((uint32_t *) data)));

        return *((uint32_t *) data);

swReactorThread_onPipeWrite 寫事件回撥

  • reactor 執行緒檢測到相對應的 worker 程式的 pipe_master 寫就緒的時候,就會呼叫 swReactorThread_onPipeWrite
  • in_buffer 不是空的話,就會迴圈拿出單連結串列的資料,呼叫 swServer_connection_verify 驗證 session_id 是否正確,然後呼叫 write 傳送資料
  • 當返回的錯誤是 EAGAIN 的時候,說明 socket 已經不可用,返回等待下一次寫就緒即可
  • 值得注意的是 write 的返回結果不需要關心到底寫入了多少,因為對於 linux 來說,pipe 可以保證 write 小於 PIPE_BUF 大小資料的原子性,不是全部寫入成功,就是寫入失敗,不會出現寫入部分資料的可能。
  • 當所有的資料都傳送成功後,取消寫就緒監控,防止重複浪費呼叫
static int swReactorThread_onPipeWrite(swReactor *reactor, swEvent *ev)
    int ret;

    swBuffer_trunk *trunk = NULL;
    swEventData *send_data;
    swConnection *conn;
    swServer *serv = reactor->ptr;
    swBuffer *buffer = serv->connection_list[ev->fd].in_buffer;
    swLock *lock = serv->connection_list[ev->fd].object;

    //lock thread

    while (!swBuffer_empty(buffer))
        trunk = swBuffer_get_trunk(buffer);
        send_data = trunk->store.ptr;

        //server active close, discard data.
        if (swEventData_is_stream(send_data->info.type))
            //send_data->info.fd is session_id
            conn = swServer_connection_verify(serv, send_data->info.fd);
            if (conn == NULL || conn->closed)
                swReactorThread *thread = swServer_get_thread(SwooleG.serv, SwooleTG.id);
                swPackage package;
                memcpy(&package, send_data->data, sizeof(package));
                thread->buffer_input->free(thread->buffer_input, package.data);
                if (conn && conn->closed)
                    swoole_error_log(SW_LOG_NOTICE, SW_ERROR_SESSION_CLOSED_BY_SERVER, "Session#%d is closed by server.", send_data->info.fd);
                swBuffer_pop_trunk(buffer, trunk);

        ret = write(ev->fd, trunk->store.ptr, trunk->length);
        if (ret < 0)
            //release lock
            return (errno == EAGAIN || errno == ENOBUFS) ? SW_OK : SW_ERR;
            return errno == EAGAIN ? SW_OK : SW_ERR;
            swBuffer_pop_trunk(buffer, trunk);

    //remove EPOLLOUT event
    if (swBuffer_empty(buffer))
        if (SwooleG.serv->connection_list[ev->fd].from_id == SwooleTG.id)
            ret = reactor->set(reactor, ev->fd, SW_FD_PIPE | SW_EVENT_READ);
            ret = reactor->del(reactor, ev->fd);
        if (ret < 0)
            swSysError("reactor->set(%d) failed.", ev->fd);

    //release lock

    return SW_OK;

swReactorThread_onPipeReceive 讀事件就緒

  • worker 程式返回的資料有三種:SW_RESPONSE_SMALL(少量資料)、SW_RESPONSE_SHM(大資料包儲存在共享記憶體中)、SW_RESPONSE_TMPFILE(臨時檔案)
  • 需要將從 worker 接受到的 swEventData 物件轉化為 swSendData
  • 對於大資料包,worker 並不會將資料通過 socket 來傳遞,而是將 work_id 傳送過來,資料存放在 worker->send_shm
  • 如果是臨時檔案,worker 傳送過來的資料是臨時檔案的名字,需要呼叫 swTaskWorker_large_unpack 將檔案內容讀取到 SwooleTG.buffer_stack 中去
  • swReactorThread_send 函式用於向客戶端傳送資料
typedef struct _swSendData
    swDataHead info;
     * for big package
    uint32_t length;
    char *data;
} swSendData;

typedef struct
    int length;
    int worker_id;
} swPackage_response;

static int swReactorThread_onPipeReceive(swReactor *reactor, swEvent *ev)
    int n;
    swEventData resp;
    swSendData _send;

    swPackage_response pkg_resp;
    swWorker *worker;

    while (1)
        n = read(ev->fd, &resp, sizeof(resp));
        if (n > 0)
            memcpy(&_send.info, &resp.info, sizeof(resp.info));
            //pipe data
            if (_send.info.from_fd == SW_RESPONSE_SMALL)
                _send.data = resp.data;
                _send.length = resp.info.len;
            //use send shm
            else if (_send.info.from_fd == SW_RESPONSE_SHM)
                memcpy(&pkg_resp, resp.data, sizeof(pkg_resp));
                worker = swServer_get_worker(SwooleG.serv, pkg_resp.worker_id);

                _send.data = worker->send_shm;
                _send.length = pkg_resp.length;

            //use tmp file
            else if (_send.info.from_fd == SW_RESPONSE_TMPFILE)
                swString *data = swTaskWorker_large_unpack(&resp);
                if (data == NULL)
                    return SW_ERR;
                _send.data = data->str;
                _send.length = data->length;
            //reactor thread exit
            else if (_send.info.from_fd == SW_RESPONSE_EXIT)
                reactor->running = 0;
                return SW_OK;
            //will never be here
        else if (errno == EAGAIN)
            return SW_OK;
            swWarn("read(worker_pipe) failed. Error: %s[%d]", strerror(errno), errno);
            return SW_ERR;

    return SW_OK;

static sw_inline swString* swTaskWorker_large_unpack(swEventData *task_result)
    swPackage_task _pkg;
    memcpy(&_pkg, task_result->data, sizeof(_pkg));

    int tmp_file_fd = open(_pkg.tmpfile, O_RDONLY);
    if (tmp_file_fd < 0)
        swSysError("open(%s) failed.", _pkg.tmpfile);
        return NULL;
    if (SwooleTG.buffer_stack->size < _pkg.length && swString_extend_align(SwooleTG.buffer_stack, _pkg.length) < 0)
        return NULL;
    if (swoole_sync_readfile(tmp_file_fd, SwooleTG.buffer_stack->str, _pkg.length) < 0)
        return NULL;
    if (!(swTask_type(task_result) & SW_TASK_PEEK))
    SwooleTG.buffer_stack->length = _pkg.length;
    return SwooleTG.buffer_stack;

swReactorThread_send 函式

  • 首先要獲取連線的 session_id,利用 session_id 獲取 swConnection 物件,進而拿到負責該連線的 reactor 物件
  • SW_EVENT_CONFIRM 代表 worker 確認接收該連線(當服務端使用 enable_delay_receive 選項時)
  • 當呼叫 swoole_server->pause 函式時,BASE 模式會呼叫本函式,將不會讀取客戶端資料,去除 reactor 對讀就緒事件的監聽
  • 類似地 swoole_server->resume 函式用於恢復當前連線,重新將讀就緒放入 reactor 的監聽事件中
  • 如果 conn->out_buffer 為空,那麼就嘗試向 socket 寫資料,如果沒有全部寫入成功,那麼就將資料放入 conn->out_buffer 中去,並開啟事件監聽
  • 如果 conn->out_buffe 資料量過大,需要設定 conn->high_watermark 為 1,呼叫 onBufferFull 回撥
int swReactorThread_send(swSendData *_send)
    swServer *serv = SwooleG.serv;
    uint32_t session_id = _send->info.fd;
    void *_send_data = _send->data;
    uint32_t _send_length = _send->length;

    swConnection *conn;
    if (_send->info.type != SW_EVENT_CLOSE)
        conn = swServer_connection_verify(serv, session_id);
        conn = swServer_connection_verify_no_ssl(serv, session_id);

    int fd = conn->fd;
    swReactor *reactor;

        reactor = &(serv->reactor_threads[conn->from_id].reactor);
        assert(fd % serv->reactor_num == reactor->id);
        assert(fd % serv->reactor_num == SwooleTG.id);

     * Reset send buffer, Immediately close the connection.
    if (_send->info.type == SW_EVENT_CLOSE && (conn->close_reset || conn->removed))
        goto close_fd;
    else if (_send->info.type == SW_EVENT_CONFIRM)
        reactor->add(reactor, conn->fd, conn->fdtype | SW_EVENT_READ);
        conn->listen_wait = 0;
        return SW_OK;
     * pause recv data
    else if (_send->info.type == SW_EVENT_PAUSE_RECV)
        if (conn->events & SW_EVENT_WRITE)
            return reactor->set(reactor, conn->fd, conn->fdtype | SW_EVENT_WRITE);
            return reactor->del(reactor, conn->fd);
     * resume recv data
    else if (_send->info.type == SW_EVENT_RESUME_RECV)
        if (conn->events & SW_EVENT_WRITE)
            return reactor->set(reactor, conn->fd, conn->fdtype | SW_EVENT_READ | SW_EVENT_WRITE);
            return reactor->add(reactor, conn->fd, conn->fdtype | SW_EVENT_READ);

    if (swBuffer_empty(conn->out_buffer))
         * close connection.
        if (_send->info.type == SW_EVENT_CLOSE)
            reactor->close(reactor, fd);
            return SW_OK;
        //Direct send
        if (_send->info.type != SW_EVENT_SENDFILE)
            if (!conn->direct_send)
                goto buffer_send;

            int n;

            n = swConnection_send(conn, _send_data, _send_length, 0);
            if (n == _send_length)
                return SW_OK;
            else if (n > 0)
                _send_data += n;
                _send_length -= n;
                goto buffer_send;
            else if (errno == EINTR)
                goto direct_send;
                goto buffer_send;
        //buffer send
            if (!conn->out_buffer)
                conn->out_buffer = swBuffer_new(SW_BUFFER_SIZE);
                if (conn->out_buffer == NULL)
                    return SW_ERR;

    swBuffer_trunk *trunk;
    //close connection
    if (_send->info.type == SW_EVENT_CLOSE)
        trunk = swBuffer_new_trunk(conn->out_buffer, SW_CHUNK_CLOSE, 0);
        trunk->store.data.val1 = _send->info.type;
    //sendfile to client
    else if (_send->info.type == SW_EVENT_SENDFILE)
        swSendFile_request *req = (swSendFile_request *) _send_data;
        swConnection_sendfile(conn, req->filename, req->offset, req->length);
    //send data
        //connection is closed
        if (conn->removed)
            swWarn("connection#%d is closed by client.", fd);
            return SW_ERR;
        //connection output buffer overflow
        if (conn->out_buffer->length >= conn->buffer_size)
            if (serv->send_yield)
                SwooleG.error = SW_ERROR_OUTPUT_BUFFER_OVERFLOW;
                swoole_error_log(SW_LOG_WARNING, SW_ERROR_OUTPUT_BUFFER_OVERFLOW, "connection#%d output buffer overflow.", fd);
            conn->overflow = 1;
            if (serv->onBufferEmpty && serv->onBufferFull == NULL)
                conn->high_watermark = 1;

        int _length = _send_length;
        void* _pos = _send_data;
        int _n;

        //buffer enQueue
        while (_length > 0)
            _n = _length >= SW_BUFFER_SIZE_BIG ? SW_BUFFER_SIZE_BIG : _length;
            swBuffer_append(conn->out_buffer, _pos, _n);
            _pos += _n;
            _length -= _n;

        swListenPort *port = swServer_get_port(serv, fd);
        if (serv->onBufferFull && conn->high_watermark == 0 && conn->out_buffer->length >= port->buffer_high_watermark)
            swServer_tcp_notify(serv, conn, SW_EVENT_BUFFER_FULL);
            conn->high_watermark = 1;

    //listen EPOLLOUT event
    if (reactor->set(reactor, fd, SW_EVENT_TCP | SW_EVENT_WRITE | SW_EVENT_READ) < 0
            && (errno == EBADF || errno == ENOENT))
        goto close_fd;

    return SW_OK;

swConnection_sendfile 傳送檔案

對於檔案的傳送,swoole 將檔案的資訊儲存在 swTask_sendfile 物件中,然後將其放入 conn->out_buffer 中。

typedef struct {
    char *filename;
    uint16_t name_len;
    int fd;
    size_t length;
    off_t offset;
} swTask_sendfile;

int swConnection_sendfile(swConnection *conn, char *filename, off_t offset, size_t length)
    if (conn->out_buffer == NULL)
        conn->out_buffer = swBuffer_new(SW_BUFFER_SIZE);
        if (conn->out_buffer == NULL)
            return SW_ERR;

    swBuffer_trunk error_chunk;
    swTask_sendfile *task = sw_malloc(sizeof(swTask_sendfile));
    if (task == NULL)
        swWarn("malloc for swTask_sendfile failed.");
        return SW_ERR;
    bzero(task, sizeof(swTask_sendfile));

    task->filename = sw_strdup(filename);
    int file_fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
    if (file_fd < 0)
        swSysError("open(%s) failed.", filename);
        return SW_OK;
    task->fd = file_fd;
    task->offset = offset;

    struct stat file_stat;
    if (fstat(file_fd, &file_stat) < 0)
        swSysError("fstat(%s) failed.", filename);
        error_chunk.store.ptr = task;
        return SW_ERR;
    if (offset < 0 || (length + offset > file_stat.st_size))
        swoole_error_log(SW_LOG_WARNING, SW_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMS, "length or offset is invalid.");
        error_chunk.store.ptr = task;
        return SW_OK;
    if (length == 0)
        task->length = file_stat.st_size;
        task->length = length + offset;

    swBuffer_trunk *chunk = swBuffer_new_trunk(conn->out_buffer, SW_CHUNK_SENDFILE, 0);
    if (chunk == NULL)
        swWarn("get out_buffer trunk failed.");
        error_chunk.store.ptr = task;
        return SW_ERR;

    chunk->store.ptr = (void *) task;
    chunk->destroy = swConnection_sendfile_destructor;

    return SW_OK;

swConnection_onSendfile 向客戶端傳送檔案

  • HAVE_TCP_NOPUSH 是避免 TCP 延遲接受的一種方法,為了避免 Nagle 演算法造成的延遲,我們需要設定 TCP_NODELAY 選項和 TCP_CORK 選項來避免延遲接受和合並資料包(詳情可以看 Nagle 演算法與 TCP socket 選項 TCP_CORK
  • 獲取到 sendn 後,就要呼叫 swoole_sendfile 讀取檔案內容,傳送資料
  • 傳送資料結束後,再將 TCP_CORK 設定為 0
static sw_inline int swSocket_tcp_nopush(int sock, int nopush)
    return setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_CORK, (const void *) &nopush, sizeof(int));

int swConnection_onSendfile(swConnection *conn, swBuffer_trunk *chunk)
    int ret;
    swTask_sendfile *task = chunk->store.ptr;

    if (task->offset == 0 && conn->tcp_nopush == 0)
         * disable tcp_nodelay
        if (conn->tcp_nodelay)
            int tcp_nodelay = 0;
            if (setsockopt(conn->fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (const void *) &tcp_nodelay, sizeof(int)) == -1)
                swWarn("setsockopt(TCP_NODELAY) failed. Error: %s[%d]", strerror(errno), errno);
         * enable tcp_nopush
        if (swSocket_tcp_nopush(conn->fd, 1) == -1)
            swWarn("swSocket_tcp_nopush() failed. Error: %s[%d]", strerror(errno), errno);
        conn->tcp_nopush = 1;

    int sendn = (task->length - task->offset > SW_SENDFILE_CHUNK_SIZE) ? SW_SENDFILE_CHUNK_SIZE : task->length - task->offset;

        ret = swoole_sendfile(conn->fd, task->fd, &task->offset, sendn);

    swTrace("ret=%d|task->offset=%ld|sendn=%d|filesize=%ld", ret, (long)task->offset, sendn, task->length);

    if (ret <= 0)
        switch (swConnection_error(errno))
        case SW_ERROR:
            swSysError("sendfile(%s, %ld, %d) failed.", task->filename, (long)task->offset, sendn);
            swBuffer_pop_trunk(conn->out_buffer, chunk);
            return SW_OK;
        case SW_CLOSE:
            conn->close_wait = 1;
            return SW_ERR;
        case SW_WAIT:
            conn->send_wait = 1;
            return SW_ERR;

    //sendfile finish
    if (task->offset >= task->length)
        swBuffer_pop_trunk(conn->out_buffer, chunk);

         * disable tcp_nopush
        if (swSocket_tcp_nopush(conn->fd, 0) == -1)
            swWarn("swSocket_tcp_nopush() failed. Error: %s[%d]", strerror(errno), errno);
        conn->tcp_nopush = 0;

         * enable tcp_nodelay
        if (conn->tcp_nodelay)
            int value = 1;
            if (setsockopt(conn->fd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (const void *) &value, sizeof(int)) == -1)
                swWarn("setsockopt(TCP_NODELAY) failed. Error: %s[%d]", strerror(errno), errno);
    return SW_OK;

int swoole_sendfile(int out_fd, int in_fd, off_t *offset, size_t size)
    char buf[SW_BUFFER_SIZE_BIG];
    int readn = size > sizeof(buf) ? sizeof(buf) : size;

    int ret;
    int n = pread(in_fd, buf, readn, *offset);

    if (n > 0)
        ret = write(out_fd, buf, n);
        if (ret < 0)
            swSysError("write() failed.");
            *offset += ret;
        return ret;
        swSysError("pread() failed.");
        return SW_ERR;
