If you have Homestead 3+ and install it like described in the Official Documentation, than you have an scripts folder in your Homestead directory (the cloned one). In your Homestead.yaml file you can have a type property per site. For example for a Kirby CMS installation, which is a great CMS by the way:
- map: kirby.dev
to: /home/vagrant/Dev/sandbox/kirby
type: kirbyIf this type is set, Homestead looks on provision for a file called serve-yourType.sh - see here or defaults to serve-laravel.sh.
This means you can easily create your own file and access it via the type property per site. Simply copy serve-laravel.sh and make your changes.
Update I wrote about about this on Medium
小記:Homestead 的配置預設根據 C:\path\to\Homestead\scripts
下的 serve-laravel.sh
的檔案預設定,所以無論你在虛擬機器裡 sudo vim /etc/nginx/sites-available/domain.app
後噼裡啪啦複製貼上多少次,最後 provision 一下還是回到解放前。除非你只 sudo /usr/sbin/nginx -s reload
homestead provision deletes custom nginx settings
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