C++ 容器vector的使用
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
vector<int> vec;
int i;
cout<<"vector size="<<vec.size()<<endl;
cout<<"extended vector size="<<vec.size()<<endl;
cout<<"value of vec["<<i<<"]="<<vec[i]<<endl;
//使用迭代器iterator 訪問值
vector<int>::iterator v=vec.begin();
cout<<"value of v="<<*v<<endl;
return 0;
//vector size=0
//extended vector size=5
//value of vec[0]=0
//value of vec[1]=1
//value of vec[2]=2
//value of vec[3]=3
//value of vec[4]=4
//value of v=0
//value of v=1
//value of v=2
//value of v=3
//value of v=4
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- 進階篇_vector容器
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- STL 之 vector 容器詳解
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- vector容器1(新增元素,遍歷元素)
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