最近一週在學習 Perl ,剛看完小駱駝書。寫點有趣的東西練習練習。靈感來自於這裡 。
學習 Perl 是為了寫一些處理文字的小工具,今後會陸續發出來的。預計第一個將是 Java 程式碼轉換 AS3 程式碼的工具。
#!perl use 5.010; use strict; use utf8; binmode(STDIN, ':encoding(utf8)'); binmode(STDOUT, ':encoding(utf8)'); binmode(STDERR, ':encoding(utf8)'); my $cell=16; my $cell_char="+"; my $turn = 1; my (@cells, @line, @rows, $point, $msg); &init; while(1) { system "cls"; &printCells; if(&checkWin) { say "[".(!$turn ? "Black" : "White")."] is win!"; last; } say $msg if ($msg); $msg = undef; say "[".($turn ? "Black" : "White")."] side turn..."; chomp($point = <STDIN>); unless ($point =~ s/([a-p]{2})/\L\1/i) { $msg = "Invalid input or out of range. \nPlease enter two character in a-z."; redo; } if (&downChess) { $turn = !$turn; } else { $msg = "Pieces already exist, can not be repeated. \nTry again!"; redo; } } #初始化遊戲二維陣列 sub init { for(1..$cell) { my @line = split(/ /, "$cell_char " x $cell); push @cells, \@line; } @rows = 'a'..'p'; } #列印遊戲當前棋盤 sub printCells { say " @rows"; for(0..$cell-1){ @line = @{$cells[$_]}; say "$rows[$_] @line"; } } #落子 sub downChess { #解析 my $rowNum = &index(substr $point, 0, 1); my $colNum = &index(substr $point, 1, 1); #驗證 #return 0 if (!&isInRange($rowNum) or !&isInRange($colNum)); return 0 unless ($cells[$rowNum]->[$colNum] eq $cell_char); #落子 $cells[$rowNum]->[$colNum] = &turnChar($turn); return 1; } #當前棋子樣式 sub turnChar { return $_[0] ? '@' : 'o'; } sub isInRange { return $_[0] >= 0 and $_[0] <= $cell; } #傳入char,返回與'a'的差 sub index { ord($_[0]) - ord('a'); } #判斷是否勝利 sub checkWin { return (&checkVerticalWin or &checkTraverseWin or &checkLeftCantWin); } #判斷縱向勝利 sub checkVerticalWin { for my $index (0..$#cells) { my $time; for my $line (@cells) { if(@{$line}[$index] eq &turnChar(!$turn)) { $time++; } else { $time = 0; } if($time == 5) { return 1; } } } return 0; } #判斷橫向勝利 sub checkTraverseWin { for(@cells) {#0..$#cells) { my $time; for my $chess (@{$_}) {#$cells[$_]}) { if($chess eq &turnChar(!$turn)) { $time++; } else { $time = 0; } #say $time if($time != 0); if($time == 5) { return 1; } } } return 0; } #判斷向左傾斜 sub checkLeftCantWin { for my $index (0..$#cells) { my ($time_right, $time_left, $temp_index); $temp_index = $index; for my $line (@cells) { #左上到右下,上半部分 if(@{$line}[$temp_index] eq &turnChar(!$turn)) { $time_right++; } else { $time_right = 0; } #右上到左下,上半部分 if(@{$line}[$#line-$temp_index] eq &turnChar(!$turn)) { $time_left++; } else { $time_left = 0; } $temp_index--; #say $time if ($time != 0); return 1 if($time_right == 5 or $time_left == 5); last if($temp_index < 0); } $time_right = 0; $time_left = 0; for my $line(reverse @cells) { #左上到右下,下半部分 if(@{$line}[$#line-$index] eq &turnChar(!$turn)) { $time_right++; } else { $time_right = 0; } #右上到左下,下半部分 if(@{$line}[$index] eq &turnChar(!$turn)) { $time_left++; } else { $time_left = 0; } $index--; #say $time if ($time != 0); return 1 if($time_right == 5 or $time_left == 5); last if($#line == $index); } } return 0; }
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