MyBatis(七) 動態SQL
if元素根據入參的條件進行SQL的拼接,where 元素則是在條件語句存在的情況下, 才會有where
<select id="queryStudentInfoByStudent" resultType="student" >
select stu_id as stuId,
stu_name as stuName,
stu_sex as stuSex,
stu_age as stuAge
from student_info
<if test="stuId!=null and stuId!=''">
and stu_id = #{stuId}
<if test="stuName!=null and stuName!=''">
and stu_name = #{stuName}
choose when 條件判斷
相當於sql中的case when
<select id="queryStudentInfoByStudent" resultType="student" >
select stu_id as stuId,
stu_name as stuName,
stu_sex as stuSex,
stu_age as stuAge
from student_info
<when test="stuId!=null and stuId!=''">
and stu_id = #{stuId}
<when test="stuName!=null and stuName!=''">
and stu_name = #{stuName}
and stu_sex = '1'
<select id="queryStudentInfoByStudent" resultType="student" >
select stu_id as stuId,
stu_name as stuName,
stu_sex as stuSex,
stu_age as stuAge
from student_info
<trim prefix="where" prefixOverrides="and">
<if test="stuId!=null and stuId!=''">
and stu_id = #{stuId}
<update id="updateStudentInfo" parameterType="student">
update student_info
<if test="stuName!=null and stuName!=''">
stu_name = #{stuName},
<if test="stuSex!=null and stuSex!=''">
stu_sex = #{stuSex},
<if test="stuAge!=null and stuAge!=''">
stu_age = #{stuAge}
where stu_id = #{stuId}
<update id="updateStudentInfo" parameterType="student">
update student_info
<trim prefix="set" suffixOverrides=",">
<if test="stuName!=null and stuName!=''">
stu_name = #{stuName},
<if test="stuSex!=null and stuSex!=''">
stu_sex = #{stuSex},
<if test="stuAge!=null and stuAge!=''">
stu_age = #{stuAge},
where stu_id = #{stuId}
open 、close、separate: 拼接字串的前後和分隔字元
public Student queryStudentInfoByStudent(Map<String,Object> map);
<select id="queryStudentInfoByStudent" resultType="student" parameterType="map">
select stu_id as stuId,
stu_name as stuName,
stu_sex as stuSex,
stu_age as stuAge
from student_info
<trim prefix="where" prefixOverrides="and">
<if test="id!=null and id!=''">
and stu_id = #{id}
<if test="itemlist!=null and itemlist!=''">
and stu_sex in
<foreach collection="itemlist"
item="obj" index="index"
open="(" separator="," close=")">
Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>();
String[] strs = {"1","0"};
map.put("id", 5);
map.put("itemlist", strs);
Student qbs = mapper.queryStudentInfoByStudent(map);
DEBUG 2018-07-09 16:19:06,754 org.apache.ibatis.logging.jdbc.BaseJdbcLogger:==> Preparing: select stu_id as stuId, stu_name as stuName, stu_sex as stuSex, stu_age as stuAge from student_info where stu_id = ? and stu_sex in ( ? , ? )
DEBUG 2018-07-09 16:19:06,786 org.apache.ibatis.logging.jdbc.BaseJdbcLogger:==> Parameters: 5(Integer), 1(String), 0(String)
DEBUG 2018-07-09 16:19:06,804 org.apache.ibatis.logging.jdbc.BaseJdbcLogger:<== Total: 1
<select id="queryStudentInfoByStudent" resultType="student" parameterType="map">
<bind name="pattern_stuName" value="'%'+stuName+'%'"/>
select stu_id as stuId,
stu_name as stuName,
stu_sex as stuSex,
stu_age as stuAge
from student_info
<trim prefix="where" prefixOverrides="and">
<if test="stuName!=null and stuName!=''">
and stu_name like #{pattern_stuName}
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