


relevantcodes.com的《QTP: Working with Multiple Browser Applications》這篇文章介紹瞭如何測試多個瀏覽器視窗的情況:








AddUsingTitleUses the "AddBrowser" method to add browsers to the collection using their Title Property

AddUsingCreationTime Uses the "AddBrowser" method to add browsers to the collection using their CreationTime Property

AddLastOpenUses the "AddBrowser" method to add the last (most recent) open browser

Note: The last open browser always has the greatest CreationTime






' Add Using Title


SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe", "http://newtours.demoaut.com", "", "", 3 : Wait(4)

'Add the browser above using its title, and with the name DemoAUT

BrowserObject.AddUsingTitle "DemoAUT", ".*Mercury Tours.*"


SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe", "http://blog.csdn.net/testing_is_believing", "", "", 3 : Wait(4)

'Add the browser above using its title, and with the name RelevantCodes

BrowserObject.AddUsingTitle "MyBlog", "實用性測試(Pragmatistic Testing - CSDN部落格"


With BrowserObject.Name("DemoAUT")

       .WebEdit("name:=userName").Set "test"

       .WebEdit("name:=password").Set "test"





       If .WebList("name:=fromPort").Exist(10) Then

              .WebList("name:=fromPort").Select "Frankfurt"

              .WebList("name:=fromMonth").Select "December"

              .WebList("name:=toPort").Select "Paris"

              .WebList("name:=toMonth").Select "December"

              .WebRadioGroup("name:=servClass").Select "#1"

              .WebList("name:=airline").Select "Unified Airlines"


       End If

End with


With BrowserObject.Name("MyBlog")

       .Link("text:=QTP自動化測試實踐》", "index:=").Click

End with


With BrowserObject



End with





' Add Last Open


SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe", "http://newtours.demoaut.com", "", "", 3 : Wait(4)

'Add the above browser using AddLastOpen

BrowserObject.AddLastOpen "DemoAUT"


SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe", "http://blog.csdn.net/testing_is_believing", "", "", 3 : Wait(4)

'Add the above browser using AddLastOpen

BrowserObject.AddLastOpen "MyBlog"


With BrowserObject.Name("DemoAUT")

       .WebEdit("name:=userName").Set "test"

       .WebEdit("name:=password").Set "test"





       If .WebList("name:=fromPort").Exist(10) Then

              .WebList("name:=fromPort").Select "Frankfurt"

              .WebList("name:=fromMonth").Select "December"

              .WebList("name:=toPort").Select "Paris"

              .WebList("name:=toMonth").Select "December"

              .WebRadioGroup("name:=servClass").Select "#1"

              .WebList("name:=airline").Select "Unified Airlines"


       End If

End with


With BrowserObject.Name("MyBlog")

       .Link("text:=QTP自動化測試實踐》", "index:=").Click

End with


With BrowserObject



End with





' Add Using CreationTime


SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe", "http://newtours.demoaut.com", "", "", 3 : Wait(4)

'Add the above browser using CreationTime 0, assuming no other browsers are open

BrowserObject.AddUsingCreationTime "DemoAUT", 0


SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe", "http://blog.csdn.net/testing_is_believing", "", "", 3 : Wait(4)

'Add the above browser using CreationTime 1, assuming no other browsers are open prior to above

BrowserObject.AddUsingCreationTime "MyBlog", 1


With BrowserObject.Name("DemoAUT")

       .WebEdit("name:=userName").Set "test"

       .WebEdit("name:=password").Set "test"





       If .WebList("name:=fromPort").Exist(10) Then

              .WebList("name:=fromPort").Select "Frankfurt"

              .WebList("name:=fromMonth").Select "December"

              .WebList("name:=toPort").Select "Paris"

              .WebList("name:=toMonth").Select "December"

              .WebRadioGroup("name:=servClass").Select "#1"

              .WebList("name:=airline").Select "Unified Airlines"


       End If

End with


'Added Index - November 06, 2009 - Credits: Clive Farrington

With BrowserObject.Name("MyBlog")

       .Link("text:=QTP自動化測試實踐》", "index:=").Click

End with


With BrowserObject



End with


