解決Project facet Java version 1.8 is not supported.
- Project facet Java version 1.8 is not supportedProjectJava
- 【idea建立專案之JDK版本問題】 version of Java 17 is not supported by the project SDK ‘1.8‘. Either choose a lower versionIdeaJDKJavaProject
- java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unsupported class file major version xx解決之道JavaException
- 解決The given version [xx] is not supported, only version 1 to 10 is supported in this buildUI
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- 【問題解決】property [elasticsearch.version] is missing for plugin [head]ElasticsearchPlugin
- java,javac,java -version的區別Java
- KSQLException: The authentication type 10 is not supported.SQLException
- JAVA 1.8 新特性 StreamJava
- JAVA 1.8 新特性 LamdbaJava
- 【故障解決】ORA-17630: Mismatch in the remote file protocol version client 2REMProtocolclient
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- 關於Unsupported major.minor version 52.0報錯問題解決方案
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- 【故障解決】12c中的APEX,ORA-65346: The PDB version is lower and components
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